Scene 7 - The Journey

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We see the waving arms of a creature pass the hole created in the basin. The bodies pile up as we see the remains of Bell and Richardson at the bottom of the pit. Their suits have been burst, their glass helmets cracked, and their bodies reduced to a thin husk. This then cuts away to see a fourth Lunar Carriage drive along the lunar surface. Inside, Lieutenant Garven drives the craft. The Doctor, Cassain, and an armed Nye sit in the back behind him. We see the statistics of the craft light on a scanner, "74ft, 45ft, 4 tons, 80MPH".


Ingenious ship you have here. Using the low gravity conditions of the moon to make trips using short, energy-saving power. Thruster generators controlled through micro-fusion reactors. Compressed air tanks under a pneumatic system. Oh, look. Forty degrees to starboard.

They see another moonbase in the distance on the right.

Lieutenant Nye:

Oh, that. That is Omicron Two. That is where our food and water construction comes from. Which will allow us to export and trade with the Earth once the Space Commander gives us approval.


Once he does, that is. Omicron 4 must then act like a hub for all your installations.

Lieutenant Garven:

Controlled entirely through AIOC. Omicron 2 acts as our feeding ground. Omicron 1 and 3 were modified based on stations used to control installations operating the world's weather and for T-Mat operations. They have finally resulted in the complete self-sufficiency for our technical specifications.

Lieutenant Cassain:

Ending any reliance on Earth.


Constructed on the moon, but designed entirely on Earth.

Lieutenant Nye:

Maybe. But we don't need any of their help anymore.


Why are you all so keen on a fresh start on the moon?

Lieutenant Garven:

The Earth has too many problems that can't be resolved. That's why we want to turn a page and start a new leaf.

Lieutenant Nye:

Our lunar stations will help the Earth immensely. And will even help to solve all its crises.

Lieutenant Garven:

We have all been fascinated in space travel ever since we were little. We at Omicron all share the common belief that we can advance our population for the greater good into the stars. To begin again with a new life.

Lieutenant Cassain:

So that one day, as the Custodian stated, our future generations will spend their entire lives on the moon. Or even beyond.


I like optimism. All from the lot of you. I can see why you are so determined for your future existence here on the moon.

The craft continues along the lunar surface.

Lieutenant Nye:

So, is this your first trip out to the moon?


No. But I always enjoy coming up here. I might say though, I might not approve entirely of your fully computerised chief.

We see the logo of AIOC inside the craft.

Computers all get too big for their own boots if you ask me.

Lieutenant Garven:

Just as well AIOC can't reply without intuition. Completely infallible and is the fabric of our new founding civilisation on the moon. Isn't that right, AIOC?



The Doctor looks at AIOC with suspicion. The Lunar Carriage continues along the surface of the moon. We cut back to the exterior of Omicron, and see the Custodian and the others nervously waiting for the craft to arrive.


All we can do now is wait, sir. We have shown you everything we can to convince you of our main mission here on the moon.


I am sorry for the loss of your crew, Custodian. But I hope what has happened to those explorers does not endanger us on a far greater scale.

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