Scene 8 - Finding the Carriages

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Finally, the fourth Lunar Carriage drives up to the other two abandoned crafts. Something hides behind the rocks, with it's thin, multi-armed body waving in sight. They disappear as the fourth Lunar Carriage powers down. Aboard, all except for Lieutenant Cassain who remains aboard the ship, the crew including the Doctor are prepared to explore the surface with spacesuits on.

Lieutenant Cassain:

Now. We are all in constant transmission with each other and Omicron 4. Your life signs will be tracked and AIOC will warn you of any hazards.


Providing AIOC can register it in time.

Lieutenant Garven:

You were the one praising us for our optimism.


I praised you. Not your computer software.

The Doctor and the others leave. We see at Omicron the communications on the radio that Lieutenant Cassain reports as the astronauts report their progress. The others listen in carefully.

Lieutenant Cassain:

Right. External doors unlocked. Lunar atmosphere adjusted.

Lieutenant Nye:

Here we go.

Lieutenant Garven:

Arms primed. Doctor, you're not carrying a weapon?


I'd prefer not to. Self-defence is different.

We see the astronauts wander along the lunar surface as they peer over the basin.

Lieutenant Nye:

Take a look at that.


Now this is why I travel through time and space.

They observe the basin but note the pit made within the Mare Tranquillitis.

Lieutenant Nye:

Here, this was where that Apollo 11 lot first landed over one hundred years ago. Now we're back to where they first started.


I don't think they would have dug a hole for themselves when they were last here. Maybe your friends did earlier. Hence, why we are here.

Lieutenant Garven:

Yes. I see your point.

We see Cassain in the Carriage hearing the astronauts over the radio.

I suggest we take a look down there first. I doubt they would be on board their crafts. But maybe we take a look aboard after we've analysed what's down there.

Lieutenant Cassain:

No readings aboard the Lunar Carriages, sir.


They might be aboard. But not alive that is. Can AIOC function in the other Lunar Carriages to find them?

Lieutenant Cassain:

Negative. AIOC is not responding. AIOC is down aboard Lunar Carriages Two and Three.

This then returns us to the lunar surface.


We best take a look aboard there as well. If your intelligence is down, then it could harm your entire operation on the moon.

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