Crimson Scent

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Crimson Scent

Valerie gazed into the mirror, searching for a reflection that wasn’t there. The gold frame glowed eloquently in the candlelight, an antique of early nineteenth century France. Alex described how he acquired it, astounding Valerie with stories of great wars, audacious times, Napoleon and virtuous deeds. Valerie had no reflection and in the mirror’s eyes the king’s chair was empty too – but this was a lie.

Valerie turned around, still naked and immodest. Alex sat before her on the throne – a tremendous piece of exceptional value and historic quality. He focused on her every move and watched as she lay down upon the chaise longue, rolling over playfully. He had already told her so much but he knew this was just the beginning.

Alex explained how Valerie was rescued from merciless vampire slayers. He told her that Wild Eddie had identified her and that his informant within Nova had placed her at the club. They were just in time to save her. He was glad and so was she – she thanked him for what he did.

Crimson scent was the smell of blood so intoxicating, that no vampire could resist its taste. A rarity in humans – it proved to be such a delicious treat. Slayers took advantage of this. They bottled the fragrance and used it as bait. They struck on their own terms. They killed and murdered without remorse. Crimson scent fooled Valerie once. She promised herself – never to let it happen again.

Alex told her where she was. He described his club in detail and promised to show her every room. Valerie was captivated by his words, absorbed by every sentence of illuminating description and vivid detail. He described the nature of her new existence, warned her of sunlight, wooden stakes and anything sharp that could pierce her heart.

He dispelled the myths. Holy water was harmless and she could enter whatever house she chose – even the house of god. While some refused in fear, Alex described his visit to Rome. How he approached the alter in Saint Peter’s Basilica, cursed Jesus Christ and spat upon the floor. How he left, laughing in a sense of personal victory. He was younger then.

Alex gave her one last warning. He told her to be discreet. Mortal men dominated the world and the choice to turn a human was governed by local lords. They managed the numbers because too many vampires meant too few men, too few men meant not enough blood and not enough blood meant war.

‘So what’s your proposal?’ Valerie asked. Curiosity consumed her. The candlelight cast shadows across her naked skin. She felt relaxed, carefree and comfortable in his presence. She could tell already – Alex was a hard man, but she appreciated this. Defying him would prove to be devilishly entertaining.

‘You’re a born siren,’ Alex said as he crossed his legs, ‘and that’s why I want you to work for me… as a dancer, an entertainer. We vampires… we tend to feel every pleasure, every indulgence and every sensation so much stronger than any human can understand. I look into your eyes and I see you’ve already experienced that. Our sexuality is transformed. Our bodies and our hearts are forever changed. Working here for me… will bring you a contentment you never thought was possible.’ Slowly he stood and moved to the door. ‘Decide later,’ he added, ushering a woman inside. ‘I have a present for you.’ 

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