The Celestial Idol

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The Celestial Idol

Valerie arrived home to Eden just before 6:00 a.m. The sky was brighter now but still the sun lay hidden behind the distant horizon. Soon it would rise in a fresh warmth and welcome all to a new day. To the soulful, the sun was a symbol of promise and fortune but to Valerie, it was a reminder of changing times and a tormented past. The moon was all she needed now. That was her source of strength, so beautiful and divine... her celestial idol of the night.

Valerie was tired after her long and adventurous day. The drive home had been calm and peaceful and all she wanted to do now was sleep. She parked the car in the underground car park and took the elevator straight to her apartment above. It was a slow and rackety old thing but it served its purpose. Soon she arrived at her stop. At last she was home.

Suddenly Valerie tasted the fresh scent of human blood that filtered temptingly through the air. She wasn’t alone. There was someone else in the apartment... but whom? An attacker? A slayer? How did they find her? This was her secret place, unknown to all, clandestine and covert.

Valerie kicked off her heels and advanced through the maze in utter silence. She prepared herself for battle. Inside she felt her body grow tense as she flexed her muscles in an anticipated state of violent expectation. She had paid the price for her careless attitude once already. Now she knew better.

The wooden floor felt cold and hard beneath her feet. Moonlight illuminated solitary walls and silent corners but for the most part, Eden was shrouded in darkness and shadow. Valerie moved through the studio and past the quite bathroom. She continued on deeper down, unaware of what would loom. Darkness and silence were the masters of her environment. To betray them now could mean her doom.

As Valerie approached the bedroom the scent grew stronger. She pressed her back against the wall and slowly crept around the corner, sneaking through the door. The taste of blood was deliciously overpowering but she remained alert. It was a situation of potential peril. Her life could be at stake. 

Valerie entered the quiet room. It was a large space with Georgian windows that stretched along the redbrick wall. In the centre of the room was a mattress, covered by a single red blanket. A girl lay there, calm and unconscious. Valerie took a gentle sigh of relief. That girl was Aria.

Valerie stepped forward, noticing Aria’s dress which lay beside her on the floor in a messy bundle. Beneath the blanket she was almost naked and was fast asleep. Like the moon in the sky, Aria lay delicately in a state of serene tranquillity... a celestial idol of the night.

Valerie turned towards the window. There were no curtains but a dirty sheet hung from a silver pole and covered half of the light that tried to fight its way inside. Valerie looked out and reflected for a moment on her day, her night and the next day that was to come.

Suddenly the sun rose and the red light of the distant star raced across Lanton and shone upon Eden. The sun kissed Valerie’s skin and immediately created an unpleasant and uncomfortable sensation throughout her body. It was hot and raw and already Valerie felt her skin begin to burn.

Images began to flash through her mind... the petrol can... the lighter... the horror and pain of the traumatic situation and the burning house. Sounds too... of crackling fire, burning wood and screams of pain and distress. Valerie closed her eyes and pulled the sheet across the glass as a single tear became lost between her eyelashes. She refused to mourn.

Valerie undressed and lay down softly upon the bed. She pulled the blanket up and over her body and put her arms around her friend. Aria was warm and sweet and was in no harm at all. Valerie promised herself, to protect her forever at all cost.

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