chapter 9

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Author pov

Joon and Jackson looked each other with confusion. " do you all know each other" said both at the same time.
" YES!!!" Said all the teens.
" Emmoa they study in our college and we are friends too" said kook with smile on his face.
Now joon and Jackson connected the dots and interpret the whole situation.
" So bangtan he is your famous emmoa , nice to meet you sir " said got7 and bowed in respect.   Jackson have a proud smile on his face. " Nice to meet you all to, and Jackson i didn't know you can be such a great dad" said Joon with a small laugh.
" Emmoa now tell me how you both know each other " said jimin " yes appa tell naaa" whine bambam.
" I will tell you all, first Joon i  am really hungry, please let's go and eat first " said Jackson, , but then he only shouted " noooooo, now what i gona do. I don't want to die because of hunger". " Dad why would you die from hunger? " Said mark.
" Because Joon can't cook, one time in past he tries to make something but instent end up burning the kitchen literally " said Jackson with trust me face. Joon just pouted and said" you don't need to tell that and now I know how to cook,i have my own tiffin service "
" Wow i am proud of you joona, let's go what are we waiting for " said Jackson.
All went up to the table and settled on it. Soon Joon arrived with food and start serving,in middle of it Joon said " Jackson, can I tell you a very useful work" "  tell me Joon "
" Help me " said Joon with a boring expression of his face . " This is how you talk to guest, i know you don't respect us ,but atleast respect them " said jin
" Kiddo it's fine, you don't need to be hiper, this is our way of talking " said Jackson try to calm jin.

Jin just nodded his head and start eating. After all the eating stuff.
Jackson said " now I tell you all how we now each other, jay B bring me my bag.'' jay B ran towards the car and in second the bag was in Jackson hands .
He took out a thing which look like a album to all, Joon immediately recognised it . Joon put the his hand on the album in way to stop Jackson for opening it .
" Joon remove it " said Jackson with a calm toon." No , you can't show them" said Joon . He was panicking . " Joon they a grown ups , nothing will happen remove your hand now" with that Jackson held Joon hand and remove it by it's own . Joon know he can't do anything when Jackson is determined to do something he will do it no one can stop him not even Joon himself.
'' so kids this is the album me and Joon make when were young , this album is filled with  Polaroid take by Joon from our childhood to college gangsters and answer to you question we were best friends in past, so let's start ,shall we ......

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Next chapter will be extremely long and will be about Joon past and also about his ex , little bit..........

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