chapter 11

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(Still in past)
( Author pov)

Life.changed for namjoon after meeting Jackson. He was not alone anymore and soon he found out that he and Jackson go to same school.

Joon was sitting in his class when suddenly someone hit him on his head with a paper ball. He turned around and saw a boy little taller than him standing there with a grin on his face.
" Why you did that" asked Joon
" Because it is fun to tease you" said the boy
Joon just pouted and turned back to what was he doing.
Actually he was drawing a picture of people who love him Moni and Jackson that's all no one else not even his parents.
Suddenly that boy came in front of Joon and

Poured water on his drawing.
Joon gasp . He pushed the boy hand away. And start to clean his drawing but nothing work. His lips wobbled and everyone knew it ,he start crying.loudly .
Jackson who was coming to the class saw joon crying and ran to him and asked " what happened Joon - Joon"
" That kid ruined m- m- my drawing" said Joon.
Jackson burned in anger and walked towards that kid .
He slapped him and said" don't come near Joon ever again" 
He walked back to Joon and hugged him and said " don't cry" .
The whole day went by.
When Joon came back home,he remembered something he didn't gave Jackson his drawing.
He ran towards his house which was right beside his and knock on the door.jackson mom open the door and invite Joon inside.jackson who  was watching a movie when Joon entered.
He paused it went to Joon " what happened joonie"
" I want to give you something" with that Joon took out his drawing and gave it to Jackson.
Jackson held the drawing in his hands and said " wow Joon, it's so cute"

Another sound of click can be heard they saw Jackson mother holding the camera and taking other pic of them .
" So cute"mom uttered.
Both kids whined .

After some years

Both kids are now 15 teen .
And both teens found there nature.
Joon found that he was nerd, book worm, and savage only when people say something to his loved ones.
Jackson, don't like studys , chill and can kill if anyone say something to his love ones.

Joon was in library when someone put hands on his eyes ." Guess who"
" Hmmm, my only friend,who get his ass beaten all the time" laugh Joon .

" Joonieeee, you think that about me ,i am sad " pouted Jackson.
" Ok, sorry, sorry, i will say that again " said Joon. Jackson just hit Joon but smiled also.

" Joon i bring something for you "
" What is it show me"
" First let's go outside "

They both walked towards there secret place. They sat on the side of the river enjoying the view." So what is it" said Joon.
" This " Joon saw the camera in Jackson hand and give him confusion look. Jackson understand he was confused so he start speaking" my mom gave this to you as a gift,she want us to take pictures and keep that as our memories and  she also make a album having our childhood picture,she  give this album to you, so you can continue it. She don't trust me,she thinks I  will lose all this stuff " Jackson ended with a shy smile. Joon bust out laughing" she thinks correct "
Jackson just whined.

"Ok come here Jackson" Joon said holding the camera. He was about to take the picture, Jackson turned around and click

In the picture Jackson and Joon first kiss.............

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Next chapter will be in college.......

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