chapter 12

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( Collage)
( Author pov)

Jackson was walking downstairs when he heard some noise from collage campus. He walked towards it and saw students shouting " kiss" " kiss" "kiss".

He peek over the students head and saw Lucifer, college heartthrob pinning Joon on the locker

Joon was looking like he was about to cry . " So baby, let's see how that lip taste" said Lucifer . He was about to kiss him when felt pain on his face. And in seconds he was on the ground.
He turned around and saw Jackson with rage in his eyes .
Jackson didn't speak anything and start to beat Lucifer. Students trying hard to pull  Jackson away from him but nothing worked .

Joon who was seeing all this with terror in his eyes .he don't have any strength left . But he have to stop Jackson. He walked towards him put his hands on his shoulder and say with crack in his voice" Jackson st..op, i am s..scared" .
And unexpectedly he stopped say
" Fine, because I can't say no to you "
Joon cracked a smile." But take a picture for the memory " said Jackson. Joon see him with a raised eyebrow but eventually click one Polaroid. In it there was joon, Jackson, and beaten up Lucifer.

Jackson took joon hand and walked out of there . They went to library as per Joon demand. Because that is the only place which make Joon calm

After some days

Joon and Jackson were talking near the locker then a girl came up to them and say " loser  i want to say something" said Jessi while looking towards them

"Sure you didn't need my permission " said joon.
" Who said i am asking you permission, anyways i was saying that
Are you not getting fat " said Jessi while poking Joon cheeks.
" First, who gave you the permission to touch my dimples , don't you know how many people cry to touch it ( author - me too) and second if I am fat ,that problem can be solved but you having an ugly face that can't and i am sorry for you that you have to live with this  all your life " said with big eyes and pout of his lips . All students gasp and Joon and Jackson just high five . " You bitch!!!!!!" Shouted Jessi and was about to punch Joon when Jackson came between them. " Not anytime soon" said Jackson and pushed her out of the way.

The sound of bell can be heard,all students walked to there respective classes. Joon and Jackson said bye to each other.

In Joon class,he was sitting preparing everything for the class when teacher came in but she was not alone ,a boy was with her .
" So class this is kinn he will be with you all from this year,kinn say something" said the teacher
" Hello everyone I am kinn , and please take care of me " said him
Teacher instructed him to sit with Joon in the back .
" Hello " said kinn
" Hi " reply Joon while being awkward.
But kinn seems like he is to comfortable.
" I saw you in the morning, reply to that mean girl with fun savage , total my type" said kinn with a smirk.
" Kinn i only told you to sit there not to talk " said teacher while glaring at him." Sorry mam " said kinn and start to listen what was teacher saying.
On the other hand our Joon was blushing mess, no-one ever flirt with him like this. But Joon was not hating
It not at all.

In lunch both Joon and Jackson sat down on there seat when someone came towards them.

" Can I sit there" said the unknown
" But who are yo- sure" Joon cut Jackson in the mid way and allow the unknown to sit with them .

" Hello i am kinn ,i am new in the school and also in namjoon class" said the boy
" I am Jackson,Joon best friend" said him . Not giving him to much attention.
" So joon , come to my house today,i want some help in bio" said Jackson
   Namjoon just nodded.
" Joon , can you give me some of your notes too,it will be really helpful" said kinn. Jackson turned his head so fast , that some people start thinking,how his neck not got cracked.
Jackson was wondering that this ,  boy who came 1 hour ago calling his namjoon ,Joon . Wow. What more shock him that Joon was blushing mess.
He don't like it not at all.

Many days went by , kinn and Joon our now very close.and Jackson was feeling out of place. He try to warn Joon that he is not getting good vibes from kinn but our lover boy didn't listen anything.

And soon that day also came, kinn was playing a football match and surprisingly his team won . Everyone was cherrying for him including our Joon with a board Jackson who just rolled his eyes .

But something was different,kinn asked for a mic and start speaking" today,in front of you all i want to share something. For someday I was feeling like something was missing ,i was feeling empty from inside but i don't know what to do, but today i really lize that the missing thing was my....

Heart . And everyone know how it feels without it. And i also know the thief  , soo..... Kim Namjoon can please return my heart or even better give me yours ." Ended kinn

Whole stadium was filled with gasps and our Joon couldn't believe it.
Kinn walked towards him,took his hand and make there way to the centre of the ground.  He stare in Joon eyes with love and asked " DO YOU WANT TO BE MY BOYFRIEND "

"Yess...a million yes kinnn" shouted Joon and hugged him. His first boyfriend.
Kinn kissed Joon on his lips without his consent, and everyone cheered although ,Joon was not comfortable with it ,he let it go.

On the other hand , Jackson walked out of the stadium, with a card  which is made by him that say......
I love you joon- Joon.................

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