V | Delayed Adulting

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It's like an endless void, and whoever enters it gets swallowed up in the depths of it. To know if they're alive or dead, you'll have to focus closely to hear any sign of life, but the faint sound that's resonating is not the sound of life but doom.

Drip, drip, drip. There it goes; the dripping doesn't stop.

And it shouldn't; that's how it's intended to be.

I slowly approached the lying figure, step by step, getting closer to his doom.

Staring into the wide open eyes, I spoke, "You woke up." The tapping continued as the crimson liquid continued to drip onto the ground, creating a puddle where I saw a hazy image of my reflection.

"Do you want me to ask them to clean it up?" My question was met with silence again.

I knew this wouldn't go anywhere, and it's not like it bothered me or anything.

"I'll go now. I just came to see you. If you need anything, just wait until I come back." I turned around to leave, but a cold, wet hand held my foot, halting my movement.

"I said if you need anything, just wait until I come back." All I heard after that was wheezing and incoherent words.

Lord, my pants are stained—at least they're black.

My eyes couldn't help but linger on him for a bit before I continued my stride, not looking back once.

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My back was facing a mountain of clothes, but it didn't matter because, unlike that mess, I was presentable, and more than that too.

Technically, today is my first day at work, so I won't deny that I'm nervous. I had the intention of postponing it again, but I decided to be responsible for one time in my life.

All Papa told me to do back then was design, and I actually did design a few things, and it wasn't a bad experience, but other than that, considering I'm now an adult, there is an unnecessary amount of paperwork to sign, but life is great at the end of the day.

I do miss the joy of designing, sitting beside Papa as I drew on my notebook, and once I was done, I'd rip the page and hand it to him, but that all ended once I started feeling suffocated here, and all I needed was that one push to leave.

Being here back then led to me not having any inspiration, nor was I able to utilize my skills properly to fuel my creativity.

Teenage me chose Diana as her muse, and I would even show Papa my sketches with little notes on the side to clarify why I drew a certain part in that particular way. A few of those designs actually made it into some collections, but as I grew older, I knew her like the back of my hand, which led to me designing less and less. Knowing someone too much made everything easier for me, and I didn't want that; I wanted a bit of mystery, a challenge.

Now, though, I have a faint idea of what my muse might be.

My reality. as simple as that; usually it's a special someone, but this time it's not the case.

At first, I considered designing my own engagement ring to test things out, but for some reason it didn't feel right, since for years I imagined someone wearing my pieces, not the other way around. So it felt weird to design something for myself; however, I think I might be feeling this way because I'm considering this from a professional's perspective and not someone designing something sentimental.

Well, I do trust Abel with the responsibility because I know I will be dwelling on so many things in the process, hence why I didn't discuss these ideas with him.

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