XV | Spider Webs

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Not once did they stop asking questions!

Martina and Alexander dragged me to the dining table and aggressively sat me down, and I couldn't even take a bite of the breakfast in front of me because of how they bombarded me with questions I didn't have answers to.

They have the full right to be invasive because, well, they're like my second parents at this point. There's a strong bond between the Bernardi and Colombo families, so it makes sense that they wanted all the wedding details.

But what more details do they need? I'm sure they know more than me and Abel do, given how close they are to our parents.

Thankfully, the invasive questions didn't last longer when Diana came in and saved me, taking me upstairs to her room.

Actually, the invasion didn't stop; it followed us; Martina kept coming into the room with cut fruits, cookies, champagne, and caviar, and there was so much more just to hear what we were talking about that we gave up at the end, and now she's sitting with us, absorbing all the information to go and spill it on one sitting with her husband.

"Ok, and what happens next?" Martina yelled while slapping my arm, urging me to continue.

I sighed as I reached the part of the story I dreaded the most: "Well, I found out that these locations were all owned by none other than Abel."

Diana gasped as she heard what I said from her closet and came running out.

"Say what again?" She at least verbalized her shock, but Martina is holding her hand to her chest, unable to comprehend what I said.

"You heard right, and I have a feeling he's behind this; maybe Rayne is still alive, but weirdly enough, who just blows up their own castle? Like seriously, think with me for a second." I urged them on.

"For years, we thought Rayne was dead. I witnessed it, for goodness' sake! Seriously, a moving truck came at him, and he surely died; no one could survive that except a roach.

But when I went to confirm that it was him in the morgue, he wasn't there.

I even went around like a crazy lady, asking the people working there where he was, and every single one of them told me they don't have anyone with that name, but later on I was told he's there." I made sure not to mention Pablo to everyone; he just disappeared after his son died, but they don't know I'm still in contact with him. Martina is lovely, but she rides or dies with my mom and Abel's mom.

Looking back, I genuinely looked like I'd gone insane. They made me question if I was in the wrong place, but I wasn't; literally, everyone involved in the case led me to that place.

Sometimes I think to myself and say I should've made Pablo stop driving to go check on that bastard's conditions, but I didn't. The adrenaline rush and the fear that he'd randomly get up and crack his head back into place just to run towards me and finally take what he wanted from me made me make stupid decisions.

"Just the thought of it gives me goosebumps. But, of all things, why a moving truck? That's cliche to the point that I think it's planned."

Martina stated what me and Diana have been avoiding to verbalize; saying something like that out loud brought shivers down my spine. I didn't like that one bit.

"Wait, what if Abel is behind it?" Diana blurts but immediately shuts up, muttering an apology. "Don't apologize; that's what Dali needs to hear. Although this marriage would benefit both businesses, she needs to know who she's getting married to." Martina said what needed to be said.

"I know we're all thinking that, but I shouldn't have said it that way. After all, it's Abel who we're questioning." She came close to hold my hand, comforting me. "Listen, keep in mind that the only suspect we have here is the man I'm marrying tomorrow. Emphasis on tomorrow. So there's no turning back." I joked to lighten her mood.

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