XVII | Jealousy in the Air

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A scammer, a two-faced nymph, and above all, a she-devil—that's Dali Bernardi.

Any normal person would think they'd be enjoying their wedding night right now, but no! I'm sitting in the backseat of a Rolls Royce, eating a greasy burger and French fries in the parking lot of a random fast food place.

She looked happy and smiled innocently while I was grieving my trampled hopes.

"Come on, Abel, dearest, eat up." She said this with her mouth stuffed with French fries. "You literally made us run out of there for food."

"Yes, but it's good food, so stop sulking." I was baffled, but I succumbed to the good-smelling food and started eating as well.

I must say it was good. But not better than the idea I had of how this night should've ended, but anyway, this will do.

"Now that I'm all alone and rewinding our whole day in my head, I regret not making everyone who saw me sign an NDA."


"I cried like a bitch." She said it with so much vigor that I couldn't help but laugh. "Honestly, Eden should've been there. He would've walked in and threw NDA contracts at everything that breathes." She shook her head in disapproval at her past decision.

"Too bad he's busy chasing his little burden."

"Ruby?" I asked, and she hummed.

"Since we're married now, want to get the matching tattoos you've always wanted?" She randomly asked, making me choke on my burger.

It took me a minute to compose myself.

"So..." My eyes trailed off, but I went back to her, zeroing in on her. "You're saying it took us getting married to get matching tattoos?"

"Not necessarily; I already have matching tattoos with Diana, but that's different; she's Diana, and, well, you're Abel. Actually, yes, getting married does make a bit of a difference, but it's more about how we're really, really, really close now, so it's only right if we do so." Yeah, I lost my appetite.

"I don't like talking to you." I said as I snatched away my bottle of soda, which she kept secretly sipping from, thinking I wouldn't notice how she was finishing half of it.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry; give it back now." Stingy bitch, she didn't have one ounce of remorse as she faked her apology.

I gave her the bottle back; either way, she was going to have it because I knew she'd get bored of begging and snatch it away from me after strangling me to death.

"To answer your question, yes, let's get matching ones, but what do we get and where do we get them?" I couldn't miss the chance. I've been waiting for this moment for forever. And although it's a bit late for this idiotic idea, I wasn't going to waste time in case she changed her mind.

She grinned in mischief, and I knew whatever she had in mind wouldn't make me feel good. "Remember that guy?"

"No, I don't remember that guy." I deadpanned.

"The one that helped me at that pool party we went to back then." Now, I remember, but I'll keep pushing her to say what she means out loud. It's amusing. "Come on! Abel, you know whom I'm talking about."

"No, I don't." I do.

"Ok, fine." She took a deep breath, her face grimacing at the faraway memory. "The guy who helped me pierce..." she trailed off.

"Pierce what?" It's easy; just say the guy who helped me pierce every single person's nipple at a pool party.

Diana started a literal petition online for Dali to get hers pierced as payback. Every single person that attended and woke up to sore nipples signed it, and that same day she got it done and cried the whole time while I had to comfort her and feed her ice cream.

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