XXX | From Melodrama to Slice of Life

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Pointing the finger of accusations at the people you never thought would fall from your eyes isn't light. But that's a vital part of moving on.

It gives me peace, it gives them peace, and it gives everyone peace now that we don't have to question each other's motives, expecting retaliation for something we've done even after we buried the evidence.

Whether we like it or not, our peace won't last forever, and I don't think it should either, because peace is that type of thing that comes and goes, and that's not necessarily a bad thing because at times you need to switch from your daily dose of slice of life to melodrama. That switch has its perks, like keeping the heart pumping and the mind alert.

Right now, I wouldn't say we're at peace—at least not yet, because I'm sure behind closed doors everyone will say more than what was said here until they can finally let out their caged sighs and let their shoulders fall.

Today's gathering broke down any barriers between us, as family, as friends, and as individuals who are engrossed in the matters of yesterday and need to finally get their closure and finally move on to wherever life takes us.

The silence in the room was thick as each and every single one of us shamefully told our side of the story or stories. Obviously, the elders had a lot to say since they hid their fair share of crucial information just like we did. At least our hearts are lighter.

Those who'll sleep easily tonight said what needed to be said, and those who won't surely kept more unsaid. Either way, this gathering was heartbreaking and yet soothing.

Some cried to the point where they laughed; some laughed to the point where they cried—for instance, Jonah; some left the room and came back because of how frustrated they were; and some just sat there absorbing all the drama—Esmeralda.

I may or may not have accidentally sent a message, saying, "Come to the Barone estate; we're gathering there." To the group chat we had with Esmeralda when it was intended for Diana only. Of course I couldn't unsend it and say this was meant for Diana, so now Esmeralda is seeing a new side of us that she wasn't prepared for, nor did we prepare her for.

"Well..." Juliet was at a loss for words, but after a moment of questioning what to exactly do or say, she muttered an apology and excused herself, with Julian following after he gave us one last glance without meeting our eyes.

My mom, dressed in black and already sporting red eyes from the tears she sheds on a daily basis, cried again from just hearing Juliet utter a word. It wasn't specifically because Juliet was the one who spoke, but because she truly no longer knew how to control her emotions.

Since she arrived, she hasn't picked up her head once. I can't even think of what she's thinking about right now; all I know is that she's crumbling deeper and deeper in a pit she herself is digging to make deeper.

Deep inside, though, I felt relieved that the way she's coping is by crying her heart out. I'd be concerned if mom wasn't crying all the time, because that would be unusual and unheard of.

"If you need anything to eat or drink, I could go ask someone to bring us something." Diana spoke, trying to deafen the silence, but to no avail; everyone either muttered "no thank you" or shook their heads.

Kye had his hand on Diana's shoulder, giving her comfort, but it was clear the tension between them was still there despite both of them trying their very best to look at each other without uncertainty.

"We'll be taking our leave." Diana's parents spoke, both kissing their daughter on her forehead, sneakily catching a glance at Kye, and leaving after tightly hugging my mom.

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