XVIII | It's a Smiley Face!

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"Hold up! You have a foot fetish?"

It was definitely not an appropriate conversation to have while waiting for Aiden to come back into the room, but it was serious and must be addressed.

"Dali, it's not a foot fetish; I just said that I'd appreciate a good-looking foot; that's it; don't twist my words." I squinted my eyes at him to see if he was telling the truth while he gave me the side eye. "Do not look at me like that."

"Did I offend you, my pretty boy?" I teased while poking his side, but he didn't even look my way. "I promise, I'll let you sniff one toe if you give me one of those pretty smiles of yours." His face paled with disgust, and I started laughing again for the millionth time today.

"When will your little friend finish whatever he's doing?" He changed the subject once he realized I wouldn't let him go past the allegations.

"Let him be." He rolled his eyes and relaxed his back on the chair he sat on.

"What did you even tell him to tattoo?" I shrugged, letting his curiosity eat him whole.

He needs to wait for the end result to find out.

Actually, Aiden is not doing anything; he's simply trying to accept what I requested in whatever corner of a hidden place. He asked for space and time, and I gave them to him. Until he's back, I have to keep this overgrown child immersed in anything so that he doesn't immerse himself in plotting the murder of Aiden.

We kept conversing on random topics that came to mind until he came back.

"Ok, I'm back," said Aiden as he entered. "Can we start?" His eyes and the tip of his nose were red, and I genuinely felt bad for coming here, especially with the purpose of getting matching tattoos.

"I'll go first." I didn't want him to know yet or get an idea, so I took the initiative.

Aiden didn't talk much as he started cleaning the area. I watched him quietly until he gestured to me that I should come sit for him to start, and I did, laying my hand on a table.

He didn't speak much as he started doing his work. He sanitized the equipment, prepped my skin, and then started tattooing. It didn't hurt much, and it took him less than a minute to be done.

"Get up, Abel, dearest." I pulled him up and gave him a pinch that barely hurt when I noticed that he kept glaring at Aiden nonstop.

I pushed him onto the seat I was in, and we waited for Aiden to finish sanitizing. Once he was done, he started with Abel's, which also didn't take long.

"Done." Aiden announced that as he was getting up and excusing himself.

We didn't have to pay upon Aiden's wishes, and we couldn't persist, or else I'm sure Aiden would come after my neck, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to deal with any sort of back and forth right now.

"Let's go, Abel." He got up, and we walked our way back to the car. We got in, and immediately I was bombarded with questions. "Could you explain now? I'm done waiting." I giddily tilted toward him and grabbed his right hand with my left. I brought my right hand beside his and aligned our index fingers side by side.

"Look, it's a smiley face!" I exclaimed with joy.

I had two dots on the outer side of my index finger, while he had an upturned line.

He stayed silent for a bit to process things until he started hysterically laughing.

"No way!"

He looked back and forth between me and our hands with a small smile.

"Be honest, do you like it?"

His smile didn't leave his eyes as he nodded with a grin on his face.

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