VII | Crimson and Gray

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The pitter-patter of Kuma's feet and him inviting himself onto my bed woke me up to find myself in Abel's guest bedroom; it's probably because I slept on the couch after eating.

I got up and looked at the time to see that it's only five in the morning, and now I'm confused about what to do until seven.

I gave Kuma some pets before making my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Something on the brush caught my eye, and with the haziness of my barely open eyes, I tried to focus until I saw the small engraving of D.B.; of course Abel would go all out. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smile.

"Kuma, come. Let's go see if the other human is awake." He followed me out to Abel's room. I was contemplating if I should knock or not, but in the end I let myself in once I realized he wouldn't wake up with simple knocks.

Slowly, I approached him, and with my pointer finger, I poked him on his arm. He didn't wake up. Okay, one more time. I poked him again, but it didn't work, so I tried one last time and poked him just for it to not work again.

Maybe the poking doesn't work? Should I punch him or something?

It's not worth this much energy. I gave up and got up to leave.

A raspy, deep voice broke through the eery silence of the dawn: "Why are you awake?" I turned around so fast that I got dizzy for a second.

I was aware of how creepy or weird my stance is, as I looked like I was tiptoeing away from the chaos I caused, so I had to clarify.

"I know this seems creepy, the situation we're in, but I just woke up, and I don't know what to do by myself, so get up."

He groaned, bringing a pillow to his face. "Seriously Dali? The sun is not even out yet." He mumbled, but it was clear enough to hear.

But I didn't bother to listen to what he had to say, so I pulled him out of bed. Considering his build, I struggled a lot, although it was clear that he was helping me out by having his body conform to whatever direction I was taking him.

He finally got up, went to the bathroom, and did his business while I lurked around the room, waiting for him.

He came out, and I immediately dragged him downstairs to the living room and grabbed some board games and anything interactive to play with him from one of the many shelves.

"You get the honor of choosing Monopoly, Chess, or UNO?" He yawned, clearly out of it, but he still pointed at chess as a response.

"Prepare to lose to me, pretty boy." I sang with a smug grin on my face as I started preparing for the game. A few minutes later, I was done organizing.

"Before we start, I need something to get out of waking up at this hour, and in case you win, which is a low chance, you could ask something too." I side-eyed him but still nodded, liking where this was going.

"What do you want if you win?" I thought about it deeply before I answered. "I get to choose whatever car I want from yours." He laughed, knowing that was coming.

Well, what can I say? I have a deep love for cars, especially the one he's driving.

"Ok, your turn. What do you want if you win?" I asked with piqued interest.

He seemed to think for a few seconds before responding. "I can't think of anything right now, so can I save my wish for later?" I nodded and said, "Ok, but don't take too long, or curiosity will kill me." He chuckled knowingly, stroking my head a bit.

We started playing with Kuma by our sides, witnessing the heated game.

"You dumb fuck, the pawn can only capture diagonally." I said that with a lot of frustration evident in my voice. I was ready to punch him in the throat.

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