IX | Bejeweled

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By now, I don't even know what time it is or how to tell the time, but I was having the time of my life.

In a place like this, time passes as fast as the horrible songs they keep playing. I get that it's not the place for it, but do people no longer listen to slowed versions of songs?

Just because I was having the time of my life didn't mean I didn't want to leave. I desperately wanted out because of this painful headache that I can't get past, and I'm sure it's from how much I drank, but I still feel like I didn't drink enough.

It's like I drank a lot to the point where I don't know who's in front of me, yet too little to reach my well-deserved sleep.

Since I sat at the bar, my intention hasn't changed, and my final attempt was the colorful drink that suspiciously tasted too good.

Every single person that passes by me looks like Abel and, at the same time, doesn't. He was somewhere I didn't know, and I'd been waiting for him to come to figure out something for me to do for this headache.

My tunnel vision limited me, and I wasn't sure if that hazy, tall figure was Abel's or not. I got up, waddling from side to side, with the intention of approaching the handsome guy.

The haze got worse as he sped up his stride towards me and held me by my arms while he guided me back to my seat.

"By any chance, are you Abel?" I looked up at him and waited for him to respond, which he did with a bit of hesitation: "I guess I am." That's for sure, Abel; he'd be the only person to question his identity.

"Abel!" I yelled his name with enthusiasm as I flung my arms around him, wrapping him in a tight hug.

His husky smell made me nuzzle my face in his chest—well, not really; it was a bit below that considering he was standing while I was sitting.

"Abel, I couldn't find you!" I looked up at him with moist eyes.

He looked at me, worried about my state, as he spoke, "I'm sorry, I just went to check on the rest." Gently patting my head seemed to do what these drinks couldn't do. "Do you want to leave? Actually, don't answer that; we should."

Frowning, a sense of survival kicked in: maybe this man isn't Abel; whoever this might be is asking me to leave with him, and I shouldn't be this comfortable right now.

Pulling back, I glared at him to show my disapproval: "What do you mean we're leaving? Piss off, you fucking twit! You're not Abel at all." I said this as I got up.

How dare he want to leave with me? I'm happily engaged.

Raising my pointer finger at him, I said, "Listen here. Go find someone else to entertain you; I'm happily off limits." Thinking he finally understood my slurred words, I got up to leave.

But I was stopped before I even got to my third step, as I was hoisted upward and carried on that man's shoulder.

"Didn't I say no to whatever this is? Leave me alone! I want Abel this instant!" I protested while hitting his back and squirming around. He didn't care and maintained his long strides.

"This is disrespectful! You're fucking carrying me like a sack of potatoes. Just wait until I find out who you are; I'll make you regret the day you were born!"

My throat couldn't handle more, so I tried one last time: "My grudges are endless; I'll come after your neck in this lifetime, and after it, you fucking cunt!"

I knew this wouldn't go anywhere, so I slowly started giving up and accepting my fate, but there was something that grabbed my attention and gave me double the energy I had before.

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