XXVIII | Who's the Villain Now?

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With my hand on my chin and the other delicately trailing meaningless patterns on his bare back, I sighed for the millionth time. "What is going on in that head?" Abel, as always, caught on to my overthinking. I set my head on the pillow, my eyes now on his, as I draped an arm around him.

The wheels in my head were turning, doing something I should've done long ago.

Considering the whole room contained people with power who may or may not have enemies they're aware of or not, maybe the attack wasn't specifically targeting my dad but somebody else?

Whoever was behind this could be anyone since it's obviously not Rayne, but surely that anyone is someone who knew what they were doing for them to manage to put two people on their deathbed. While I do think there's a broad spectrum of people who could be behind this and that this mission would be hard to tackle, I'll still go after them. Because whether they were targeting my dad and friend or not, they still shot at them.

Until now, my only setback has been not knowing my enemy. And I know I have to return to Italy as soon as possible to fix this potentially major issue.

Abel poked a spot on my cheek, where my dimple would be, to get my attention, and it worked. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?" He asked, although he knew everything that came and went in my mind.

"If the villain dies, then another replaces him. So who's the villain now?"

At times like this, Pablo always fixes things, but I didn't speak to him for a year except here and there because he was comforting me after my dad's passing.

All I wanted to do was just stay here as long as I could with Abel, but I genuinely think the first step to getting things back into place is by returning to Italy and figuring things out my way. "Ugh." I wanted to stay here forever, till the next blue moon, even though all I did was sleep the whole time. "Yes," Abel randomly said, bringing my attention to him.

"Whatever you're contemplating, it's a yes. When and where?" He said that while he was fiddling with my wedding band. Just hearing him say that brought a smile to my face, knowing this time it's not us against each other but us against whatever and whoever.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Yes." He confirmed.

Here's the thing: I don't need anyone's stamp of approval for me to do something risky, but when it's Abel's, I like to consider him my parachute for when my ideas are making me fly high and could potentially bring me back to land with a thump.

"Great, because I think me and you—only me and you—should go on a little one-way flight."

"Since we're going together only, could we join the mile-high club?" He spoke so smoothly that I did a double take to look at him, thinking I had misheard.

Good question; that's a really good question.

"I'll consider that, Abel, dearest."

And I stuck to my words; it made the few hours from Switzerland to Italy pass unnoticed.

"Wait, we didn't even plan anything."

I turned to Abel, disappointed a bit, and said, "We don't do that around here."

He laughed a bit, realizing that this is how things go with me. "So you just dive headfirst without checking the temperature?"

Hm, I wouldn't put it that way.

"Think of it as you being the one in control of the temperature, and that you should only plan how you'll dive when it's truly necessary."

I started walking to our destination, with Abel behind me carrying everything for me. As he should.

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