X | Wavering Trust

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He held my hand, guiding me onto the yacht. "Oh, Lord, it's so cold here!

Why would someone ever find it a good idea to have an engagement party here in this weather?

It almost feels like my nipples will fall off." On my side, Abel couldn't stop laughing at my grumpiness and complaining.

Between light chuckles, he comforted me, saying, "Sorry, Buttercup, but we have to. Everyone arrived, and the reporters are there already."

I rolled my eyes, hoping the reporters we have there are civil.

"Before we go in there, whatever I do, do not start laughing. I have to warn you because I know you'd start laughing while I'm pulling all the cliche cards in there." I glared at him, offended, just for him to glare back, daring me to deny.

"You didn't have to get personal like that, and I'm quite aware of the nature of our public relationship and its demands."

"It won't take long, Buttercup." He assured me again this night. "Not long, just a few hours of sucking your stomach in while displaying the pearly whites. We could do that much." I said this as I was trying to cheer him up as I noticed the gloominess taking over us. Our social battery was going down just at the thought of tonight's event.

"Yes, we can." He rested his hand on my waist as we approached this crowded area. With each step we took, we gained someone's attention.

Some might say it's overwhelming, but that's all we know.

"It looks like the stars of the event have arrived, so it's time for us and their ship to set sail, everybody!" The announcer spoke and proceeded to laugh at his bland humor on the stage, making everyone on the yacht clap.

The more I looked at him, the more he looked like one of those football match commentators.

He didn't even stop there; the bland jokes kept rolling without control until someone came on stage and took over.

I got closer to Abel to whisper my disapproval: "Did you bring him here or what? Because if this night will consist of him joking around like that, I'm jumping in the middle of the sea." Abel glared, like a therapist would, but the way his lips were shaking a bit on the side gave it away that he wanted to laugh but quickly masked it by guiding me to the crowd.

We started taking rounds, greeting everybody we knew or were associated with.

"Mrs. Nakamoto, how are you doing lately?" I asked once I was close enough to side hug the beautiful lady, bringing her closer to me by her arm while the men conversed with each other.

"Oh, sweetheart, it's been ages since I've seen you. I'm doing great; well, clearly I am." She said this while rubbing her protruding belly.

There was a moment of silence before a quiet squeal followed: "Oh, my goodness, you're glowing!" I exclaimed, looking at her. I won't lie; I see no difference, but anyway, she won't realize. I almost have the urge to poke her stomach to see if it's real, but that wouldn't end well.

Abel let out a chuckle while looking at me, but remained seemingly invested in their conversation. He managed to catch on to my facade.

An approaching figure waved their hand to get my full attention. It was the one and only Isabella—who the fuck let her in? "Oh, Isabella, sweet, sweet Isabella, I can't believe you're here!" Whoever it is, they're fired, along with their whole team.

Her name was highlighted in red, indicating that she was not allowed to enter. Most of the time, she manages to enter when she's a plus one because we can't make her leave in case we offend the one we invited.

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