Chapter 20 - New situations

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'If you want me to keep your secret, you have to make me forget.' Itachi's voice had a strange edge in it.

I started thinking what did he wanted to say with that. My eyes grew wide as I realised. He wanted me to turn back his memories, like the previous few moments had never happened.

'I can't! I have never did anything like what you ask from me!' I shock my head.

'You must Fujiko. If you only seal my memories, Kabuto-sama can easily break it and access them. Moreover, I know you can. Your daughter, Takara can affect memories too. You don't think she must have inherited it from one of her parents?'

I lowered my head. He was right. I have to try it! Not only for me, but for my family. I nodded without a world. He sat down to his knees, our eyes in one line. His forehead touched mine and I closed my eyes.

Focusing on my goal to alter his memories, I opened my eyes, which were glowing with the power of the Teishigan. Just as our eyes linked and I entered his mind, his lips were pressed onto mine.

I recieved a huge shock, but there was no turning back. I was already deep into his mind, searching for those specific memories. His lips left mine as I found what I was searching for.

I grabbed those memories and altered them like he hadn't found anything special in my mind. Then I turned to the moment of that strange kiss and turned the time of it back, until it melted into nothing. Our foreheads partened too as I left his mind, totally exhausted.

As I had no power left by then. The genjutsu around us dissappeared and I fell to the ground. Everything went black.


I woke up in a bed, with Deidara by my side. He had a worried expression on his face.

'You alright Fuji-koi?' He asked as I opened my eyes. I just nodded, but my moves was somewhat strange. Just then I realised, that my entire body was shaking.

Not able to say a word, I pulled him close, snobbing. It was good to feel him next to me, but it also gave me a feeling of being guilty as I remembered that moment with Itachi.

Was I really cheating on him? No, I didn't wanted Itachi to kiss me! On the other hand I couldn't understand, why did he do that. The worst in the whole thing was, that I can't ask him about it now.

'What's the matter Fuji-koi, hmm? I know, that you collapsed after your training, but I don't see a point is crying.' His words were soft and comforting. Then he continued on an even whispery tone. 'You miss them?'

I didn't answered, just pulled him closer. A question started to form in my mind: Why can't I just forget? It would make things easier...


'Itachi informed me, that your training has ended Fujiko-hime.'

I hated that voice so much! That irritating bastard Kabuto could make me go mad with even one world. The fact, that right now I had to be counted as a subordinate of his pissed me off even more.

'That means, that you will have to participate in our battles from now on. What should I assign you to do first?' His words were radiating with sarcasm. Suddenly he leaned close, his glasses flickering in the room's dim lighting. 'What about a mission with me?'

'Go to hell Kabuto!' I pushed him away.

'Look how fierce our hime is!' He laughed. 'I was just kidding! You will be assigned to go on a mission with Sasori-san. He already has the details.'

'I suppose that's it.' I stood up, heading for the door. Just when I was about to leave, he spoke up.

'Take care Fujiko-hime!' There was a huge grin plastered onto his face. I felt so uncomfortable in his company, that I just slammed the door behind myself.

Life of the Akatsuki Twins (How I became an Akatsuki Book 2 * Naruto fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن