Chapter 21 - Mission with Sasori

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'You are still mad, I suppose.' Sasori spoke up after a half day silent walk.

'What do you expect me to do? Be happy, because I had to give up my peaceful and almost normal life?' My words silenced him.

Our mission was a simple diversion. All we had to do is luring the enemy ninjas to a defined location, then keeping them busy, while the main forces eliminate the rest.

Soon we arrived at the spot we were supposed to lure the ninjas to. It was an small field in the middle of a forest. Sasori remained in the woods as I went to search for our target.

It was easy to notice them jumping from tree to tree with my Teishigan. I approached the group and appeared on a nearby tree. The group had 6 members, two ninjas from the Rock, one from the Leaf, two from the Mist and one from the Sand.

'What a lovely scene! The hidden villages are fighting together in a heroic union!' I kept a cheeky tone while teasing my opponents. It felt like the old days!

'Who are you? Enemy or friend?' The sand ninja asked. All of them taking a fighting stance.

'Depends on who asks.' A smirkled. 'I will tell my name if you tell yours too.'

They discussed it a bit, then started introducing themselves. The ninja girl from the mist claimed to be Nishi, the sand warrior boy was Hishoka. There was a twin pair from the Rock, the girl being Kaida, the boy Shuo. They were young, but well known in the ninja world as the "Dragon twins". The last rock nin was about to introduce herself too, but then I stopped her.

'It's no need for your introduction Etsu-chan!' I smirkled.

'How do you know me?' Her eyes widened, not knowing who I am.

'You had forgotten your onee-chan just like that? I had been expecting more from you Etsu-chan!' Her expression was still confused. 'I guess it can't be helped. It's time for me to tell my name as well.' I sighed. 'I'm Fujiko Nagajikan.'

'Fuji-oneechan?' Etsu's voice was weak and shaky. 'I thought you died years ago!'

'Do I look like a ghost?' I whispered into her ear, appearing behind her for only a moment. When I appeared standing on a branch all eyes were on me. They are so pathetic!

Etsu's eyes were wide with shock. It's no suprise, that she couldn't recognise me for the first sight as she was only ten years old when I had to leave the village. The others behind her took their fighting stance.

The girl named Nishi opened the book which she had in her hands. It was an old looking Bingo Book. I couldn't tell when did she took it out from her backpack.

'Fujiko Nagajikan.' She started reading my page out loud. 'Former stone nin. Abilities: medical education and rare kekki genkai. Status: Dead. The circumstances are unknown.' She looked up at me.

'Why does everyone believe everything that stupid book says?' I sighed. 'Please let me correct it for you. I'm alive.' I smirked, then jumped down from the tree, a short blade in each of my hand. 'I'm getting bored.'

The sand and mist nin made a combined attack agains me in form of a mud flow. I flashed onto a tree branch. The chase was starting!

It was so easy to lure them close to the field where Sasori was waiting for me. They trew various attacks at me, but no use as I could stop the time just before the attacks could hit me. We reached the clearing.

'Here we are!' I smirked, seeing their confused expression. Suddenly, strings binded them. Sasori stepped out from the shadows.

'What took this much time?' Sasori was grumpy.

'Be happy, that I did the task!' I just couldn't help being mad at him. I noticed, that all the strings were connected to his body. In the background, the shinobi were struggling to get free.

'Why? Why neechan? I always looked up to you!' I heared Etsu's voice. Meanwhile I froze the time around us. I didn't wanted Sasori to hear what I was about to tell my childhood friend.

'You think, this was my choice?' My voice was tired but sharp at the same time. I decided to be honest with her. 'You think I choose this?'

'You betrayed us! With these acts you betray all shinobi!' Her words were full of scorn.

'I'm not the one who betrayed anyone! You all who lived in the Rock! You trew me out! What is that if not betrayal?' I was shaking with anger. Many years passed, but I could never forgive them.

'You shouldn't have becone a criminal oneechan!' It was too much for me. I slapped her in the face.

'I was forced to live all by myself! What would you expect from anyone in my situation?' My vision became cloudy as tears run down my cheeks. Here eyes grew wide as she saw me like that. 'I lost many things, than built up a new life. I had love, I had children. Now this is taken from me again! It's because of your stupid war!'

'I still consider you my oneechan Fujiko-chan. I want to understand you.' She looked me straight in the eye. 'You wanted to be honest with someone, right? That's why you froze time? Thank you for showing me you ability.' She gave me a faint smile.

I nodded as I looked at her. She always was a good and reliable friend. I wiped away my tears, then started time again. The combat continued as the nins broke free, but Etsu was avoiding to hit me. She really did understand me.

Soon Sasori was asked to retire by Kabuto. I stopped time again as me and Sasori dissappeared from the sight of the nins.

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