Chapter 3 - The plan

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Katsu's P. O. V.

The next morning I found the door of mum's room slightly open. I decided to close it, but as I grabbed the doorknob, I became curious.

I quietly opened it and saw mum sleeping in her bed. That was nothing unusal, but as I took a closer look, I saw marks of tears on her face and on the edges of her blanket.

I clenched my fist and left the room. I saw just enough.


After school, I was walking home with Taka (I just like to call my sis by her nickname), when she suggested taking a different route through the forest. We did so.

After a while, I stopped and sat down on a big, flat rock. She sat down too, leaning her back to mine.

'Mum cried again last night.' I said without any preface.

'I know. I saw her.' She answered. Oh, so she was the one, who only opened a door to peek in! 'You know, I'm really worried about her.'

'Not just you.' My brain was working fast. 'You think, that her sadness is conected to...?'

'Father. Yes.' She sighed. 'Sometimes I wish to know more about him.'

'Me too. That way, it is possible, that we could help her somehow.' I reached for my clay pocket and started to mess with some clay. I formed a spider, then an idea came to my mind. 'You know what?'

'What?' She turned to me with a questioning look, her ponytail waving on top of her head from the sudden motion.

'You know that chest, mum never shows to us?' She noods excited. 'I ask her to train with me. Then if she asks you to come too, you say, that you're not feeling well and stay home. When we are gone, you go and see the chest.'

'I don't know...' She looked down.

'Don't be afraid! We will do it and help mum with her problem, no matter what it is!' I grabbed her cheek and mafe her look into my eyes. Her eyes lit up and she nodded.

'Hai! We will do it!'


We did just as we planned. Takara stayed home and I went to train with mum. She looked happy, but I knew, that she had something bothering her deep inside.

For our misfortune, she decided to see how Takara's going. Of course, mum didn't found her in her room. Suddenly we heared the sound of something falling onto the floor. The noise came from mum's room. She immediately rushed in and her eyes grew wide.

The first I saw was the opened chest. On the floor, there were Taka in a strange, black, red cloud patterned cloak, all kinds of things around her, which were probably from the chest.

In front of her, there were a book opened at a page which showed a picture of a man, she was almost looking alike. Next to the photo, there were some kind of data listed.

Takara raised her hand in front of her mouth in suprise as she saw us. Mum fell on her knees, her tears falling.

It was strange. She had never cried in front of us. She always holded herself back, not showing any signs of weakness.

What have we just done?


The events of the story are just starting!

The added picture showes the suprised Takara in an Akatsuki cloak.

The image is from Deviantart, but I edited it a bit. All creditst to the creator!

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