Chapter 7- Dancing

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Elsa's POV-

I was really wearing an enormous shirt because I can bend easier in them, but I wanted Jack to find out himself. I smiled and we sat back down. Mr. Rafiki was smiling at me.

"I say, I believe you are beyond advanced dancing. How long have you been dancing? How about this, raise your hand if you've danced for at least a whole year in your life?" He asked the class. Everyone's hand went up.

"Two years?" About half of the class's hands went down.

"More than three?" Finally, it was down to six people, including Jack and me. I recognized the other three dancers from the neighborhood but didn't get to really know them. Mr. Rafiki started to clap.

"Congratulations, you six, because you are going to demonstrate our dancing. We are going to be working with the drama class to create a play based on the story of the book, "101 Dalmatians." We will be holding tryouts tomorrow, but for now, I have to ask everyone to started changing up again and pack up. The bell is going to ring in about five minutes. Grab a packet from the table by the door please. See you tomorrow, students," he said, walking away to his office. I got up and walked back to change. I got to the bathroom and heard all of these girls talking smack about the ones who rose their hands for dancing.

"OMG, I can't believe the girls. They were probably lying!"

"Wow, did you see that girl? The Winters girl! She was pretty, but she's got to be a major suck up!"

"What a teachers pet!"

I changed as quickly as I could and pushed through the girls to get out. I sat in a corner by the door, waiting for the bell to ring. Jack and two other boys came out as I sat. He came over, grinning at me.

"Sup, Winters! You were great, may I say."

"Thanks, but you won't see much of that any more...."

"Why not?"

"The girls in the bathroom were being rude. I say, they must be the kind of girls that gossip all of the time," I replied. My phone vibrated in my bag. I grabbed my phone and saw, Anna had called me three times. I groaned.

"Everything ok?" Jack asked, cautiously. He sat down next to me, handing me a packet from the table next to him. I set it on my lap as I texted Anna back.

"Everything is great, actually, it's just my sister being a child. And, thank you for the packet."

"Sure. And it's ok. I have a sister too. She goes here, so our sister might have met?" He said. He seemed like he wanted a play date. I smiled at him.

"Well, give me you number so we could go out together sometime? Have our sisters meet and we can study or something?"
He chuckled and took my phone. I'd been looking at the packet, so I hadn't realized until he handed my phone back that Jack had added his number and his email..... And he added a selfie, and a ringtone, and a vibration tone to his ID. The selfie he took was of him making a silly face and pointing at me, who was reading the packet. Oh, geez. The name he put down was "Jack, The Frost King❄️" snowflake and all. I laughed and put away my phone.

"Thanks, weirdo," I said, standing up. The bell rang and both Jack and I walked out of the room together.
Hey, sorry my Ice-Skates!!!! I'm grounded....... Still.......... And I will be until I get back into my parents good graces........ I'm sorry if you don't like this piece of crap, but I'm trying to write when I can, I really am....... I'm sorry, and I love you all!!! Bai!

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