Chapter 16- Bottle "Fun"

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Elsa's POV-
So, the bottle was spinning and I was super scared of what the result was. What if it landed on Jack? I mean, I know this was only supposed to be the choosing the movie, but I could only assume if it landed on Jack, me, or even in between, they'd react as if it we real spin the bottle. I knew for a fact. The bottle started to slow down, slowing down time with it. No, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!!!!!! I wanted to curse so bad, but being with other people, I knew I couldn't except for under my breath. I looked up to the girls as their smirks only grew wider. You guessed it. I couldn't handle this, I wouldn't be able to. They opened their mouths to scream, but I stood up and bolted out before they could.

"Elsa! Wait!" Jack yelled after me. I didn't listen as I went into the room before the screams started. I hadn't realized which room until I opened my eyes to take a breath. I locked the door and slid down to hug my knees on the floor while covering my ears. I heard a door open quickly as the screams died down before someone walked out from somewhere. Someone was murmuring what seemed like a lecture before there was a knock on the door. It was a silent knock, but I didn't want to open it in fear of the girls questioning why I was in Jack's room, yet again. Snap! Why me, why did Anna have me kept here with her? Why did all of this go so fast? It was the first day of school still!! I had just met Jack today, and now I'm spending the night at his house! I was ready to break down. There was another knock and a silent voice.

"Elsa? Come on, I know your in there. My mom wanted to make sure you were okay. Please, open the door?"

I moved a bit before whispering a come in. Jack came in after a second, slowly walking towards my crouched figure. He kneeled down and looked at me. I started to squirm, it was really uncomfortable with him staring at me.

"Are you okay, Elsa?" Jack questioned. I looked up into his aqua eyes for a second before looking back down to the floor. I slowly gave a small nod. He sighed.

"The girls were sent to bed, they're not allowed out of the room till breakfast," he whispered. I nodded. Good, they need to calm down.

"So, wanna go watch a movie still? We can each sleep on the couches in the living room?" He offered. I looked up to his eyes again, staring for a second before letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I finally nodded. He gave a small, gentle smile and stood up. He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and we both silently walked back to the living room.

"What movie are we going to watch?" I asked, sitting on the couch next to Jack, but not too close. He shrugged.

"How about we watch Krampus? It's gonna be Christmas in a about two weeks now right?" I nodded, completely forgetting about how close December 25th was. Wow, this school schedule is really weird. We finally put on Krampus and snacked on the brownies and melting ice cream before I fell asleep. Good night, welcome nightmares!

MERRY CHRISTMAS, PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FELIZ NAVIDAD, HERMOSAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, it's 10:58 currently where I am, it's f*cking cold outside, and still sprinkling powered sugar. (Snow flakes bunched up to be small snowballs......) Anyways, this is a Christmas present for you, check out my other story "My Wolf's Dream Legend," and I will see you later! Bai my Ice Skates! (•-•)

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