Chapter 20- Days On End

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Jack's POV-

I honestly, for real, am getting tired of Punzie's antics. I've known her for a while, I liked her, but ever since my prin-er.... Elsa, got here to Animation High, it's just.... It's different, I don't know what happened, but once she and her sister moved here, school seems different all together. I mean, not just getting hit with the ball, I've never been hit before, but I would've thought it wouldn't hurt as bad. I'll give Elsa this, for such a thin girl, she packs a punch in her throws. 

"Yo, stupid! Are you listening?" Hiccup asked, hitting the back of my head for what seemed the millionth time in the past week. I groaned and scratched the back of my neck. 

"What?" I asked sheepishly, turning to him. He only chuckled. 

"I was going to ask who you're gonna take to the winter formal in two weeks?"

"Uh, am I supposed to care?" Flynn laughed from behind us, catching up.

"You really think Punzie is gonna like that comment? She already chatted my ear off all second period, trying to tell me what kind of suit I should wear to match your sisters as if I don't already have a date," he chuckled. I clenched my fists.

"Wait, she assumes Em, my sister, is going with you?" I asked calmly. Now I was pissed off. She's not anyone's matchmaker, just because she has me doesn't mean she can now boss around my sister.

"Yeah, dude, she said Em already agreed," Hiccup said. I took a deep breath in.

"Alright, gonna do something really stupid, but where is Rapunzel?"

"Right here, babe, what's up?" she asked from behind me innocently. I turned and grabbed her arm, taking her in the direction of our fourth period. Once we were at the door with still a little time left, I turned her to face me.

"Why the literal hell are you telling Flynn, one of my best friends, that my only sister, my younger sister, would go to the winter dance with him?"I asked eerily quiet, trying to keep my cool. She started laughing.

"Geez, you sound like you're gonna leave me for another girl because of this! I was going to ask her later if she was cool with it, I mean... She's not Lesbo, is she?" she whispered. I only glared. 

"You are telling the guys at lunch to stay away from Ems. She is not going with nay of my friends, not that she would be interested, she knows all of them. But I'm telling you Punz, don't ever try to match her with a guy again. She does it the way she wants."

"Fine! Fine! Wow, getting so worked up over something so little. Anyways, I have to go do something with... With Merida! Yeah, Merida, so I'll be back, tell the teacher I'm in the bathroom, fixing up some girl problems or something," she waved me off, running in the opposite direction. I honestly don't know how she did it in her five inch heels. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose before walking into class. 


Elsa's POV-

I was walking out to the rock with Anna and Emma when I saw Alice and Peter laid out on the grass, staring at clouds while Hiro and China spoke to each other about what I assumed was homework, but Mavis and Johnny were no where to be seen. I huffed and got on top of the rock with Anna when someone grabbed my sides and screamed, making both Anna and I scream as we got scared easily. Then all we heard was laughter as Anna hugged onto me. 

"Dammit Jason! I told you not to do that!" I heard a feminine voice followed by more footsteps until Jason, Mavis, and Johnny were in front of us, Jason laughing hard, Mavis glaring at him, and everyone else was watching us with amused gazes. 

"I'm sorry, princess, I had to. You're just too easy, then I got your sister! Made my day, and for that, I thank you," he chuckled. I sighed and threw a Cheeto from my lunch at him. 

"Don't do that anymore!" I whined. He, to my surprise, caught the Cheeto in his mouth and started eating.

"Thanks for the food," he replied, Mavis and Johnny climbing up on the boulder with us. 

"You guys are all jerks to the newbies," Mavis stuttered as she sat next to me, Anna moving to Alice to speak with her and Peter.

I smiled and shrugged.

"Well, as long as I know where Jason lives, I'm good."

"What, you stalking me now, princess?" he smiled cockily.

"No, it's just that someone doesn't know how to leave his house very quietly," she smirked.

"How would you know?"

"You do live on 118 Acacia Ave, do you not?" she teased. He stared at her suspiciously.

"So you are stalking me?" I shook my head.

"I live literally across the street from you. You know, the two story, old Victorian house?" A new grin crossed Jason's face. Before he was able to say anything, Mavis slapped him upside the head.

"I swear to all things holy, if I come over tonight to see you using that telescope Peter gave you, I will rip off your manliness and shove it inside that creepy, stalker, weirdo smile on your face! You are not to stare into her window, understood?!" Mavis ordered in a very scary tone. Jason only stood there smiling a crooked smile before nodding. 

"Yes, mom," he snickered just as he did yesterday when I first met them. When everyone's lunch was finished and we were packing up, the bell rang, signaling us for fifth period. Great..... Jack... Fun......


Don't kill me!!! Lolz I'm back, gonna write a lot this weekend as I have nothing else to do with my boring life. So, hope you likes this chapter and please read my other stories!! Anyways! Have a nice day, stay tuned for more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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