Chapter 11- After School

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Jack's POV-

The day went by real fast. Before I knew it, I was on my way home. I got caught by Punzie, who tried asking if I could take her home with me to "help her with homework," but I know what that means. I had told her no for a billion times since the first time I went out on a date with her. She seemed really eager to. I shrugged to myself and continued to walk on, refusing Rapunzel, telling her I had a busy day with responsibilities. She sighed and walked off, puffing her bottom lip out like a kid that was going to use crocodile tears in order to get what she wanted. I rolled my eyes and texted my sister, telling her I was at the front of the school, with the car. Two minutes later, I saw her walking out with two girls, one with a scooter, and the other with a purple and black skateboard. I waved my arm to my sister and her two friends.

"Hey Ems!" I shouted to her. She waved and offered a ride to the two girls. When the other two nodded, they all walked over, me shaking my head at my sister. Always trying to help other people when we can't. I looked at her friends. The one with the scooter had strawberry red hair and the other, beautiful platinum blonde. What?



"So, our sisters already met?"

"Erm... I guess so... Anna likes to meet a lot of people. We can walk home. Thanks for the offer though," she said grabbing Anna's arm and started to walk away.

"No, it's okay. It's not a bad thing to help out a friend."

"We can go. Maybe some other time," she insisted, setting down her skateboard, dragging Anna with her. Anna's protests made her stop, making Anna smile from ear to ear. As she finally got off her scooter and started walking back to the car. She sighed, making me smile.

"Get in. Where do I take you ladies?"

"Oh, Jack, if it's okay, can I go with Anna to spend the day? We got massive homework, and she's in all but one of my classes. Please?" She pleads. I shrug.

"If it's okay with them. Hold on, I have an idea," I reply, pulling out my phone. I ask my mom, who immediately agrees. I turned to face the back of the car.

"So, are you guys okay coming to our house? My mom and Emma think we should invite you to dinner?"

"I'd like that. It'd give us time to do homework," Anna chirped up. Elsa started to shake her head when Anna nodded.

"Let's go." Elsa sighed and set a hand to her head. She took out her phone and started typing. I smirked at her and turned around to drive. As I turned out of the parking lot to our house. We drove a couple of blocks.

"So, Ems, how'd you meet Anna today? Me and Elsa were actually talking earlier of getting together to have you guys meet."

"Well, this morning, I saw your witch of a girlfriend talking to Anna. Then when Anna walked away, I saw she was heading to the same class as me. So I introduced myself and we started talking about music and we were actually thinking of getting you two together," Emma explained, smiling.

"Don't call her that and why would you want to get us together?" I  asked, giving of my signature grin. Emma turned to Anna, who started talking.

"Well, I thought my sister would need to a friend for the first day of school because she is such an introvert."

"Anna!" Elsa scolded. She blushed when I started to chuckle.

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with us. Anna is such a... Candor."

"A Candor? You read?" I asked, instantly realizing what I'd just said. The two girls burst out laughing causing me to blush.

"I meant you've read those books?"

"Yes, I have. If I were asked what I'm into I'd say, I'm a Di.."

"Divergent, demigod, Shadowhunter, Glader, host..." Elsa and I said together. Emma and Anna started to smile.

"So you don't like the Hunger Games either?" Elsa asked. I smiled and shook my head.

"I'd say that the Hunger Games is basically a human version of Twilight. There's Katniss, the main girl, in between 2 boys, Peeta, or Edward, and Gale, Jacob. I find it stupid. And, don't ask me why I know about Twilight. Stupid story," I muttered. Emma giggled a little.

"Wait, but the Shadowhunter Chronicles are almost the same, with Clary, Simon, and Jace!" Anna protested.

"Anna loves anything that you can fangirl over," Elsa explained. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Okay, but have you read the end of the second book?" I asked Anna. When she nodded, she shook her head.

"It's still very near the same!" she argued.

"Anna, give up. You know he's right," Elsa sighed, continuing her staring out the window. We pulled up. Anna gasped again.


Elsa's POV-

I was so surprised Jack, of all people, knew what any of these things were. I tried to hide a smirk forming on my lips. I slightly shook my head to take it away. He was trying to be charming towards me after this morning. Anna gasped, causing me to turn my head to the front of the car. Their house, oh wait, castle, was GIGANTIC!! It was so cool! The house was a small castle of a mansion. Jack chuckled again when he saw my mouth hanging open.

"Hey, are you trying to eat bugs? We are not trout," he said, laughing. I instantly shut my mouth, blushing and shook my head.

"You know, I would've thought you lived in a small apartment out in the ghetto. Sorry, but to be honest."

"Haha! And you say you're sister is a Candor!"

"My test would show I'm Divergent! I'd be Erudite and Amity," I protested as we all got out of Jack's Black Nissan GT-R. To be honest, I can't believe I got in that anyways. I was surprised he hadn't stole that car. It was a nice ride.

"Yeah, whatever. Just come on. Give you a grand tour," Jack said. I shook my head. He was such a careless little boy.  As we walked up to the front of the house, a woman opened the door.

"Jack? Emma? You home?"

"Yeah, Mom!" Emma yelled back, running towards the woman, Anna on her tail. I tried grabbing her, reminding her about first impressions, but she ignored me, leaving me alone with Jack. I sighed and looked at him, who was smiling at me. I tried to send him a smile back and followed him to greet the woman in the doorway of the house. She smiled at me and held out her hand as we reached the doorway.

"Hello, I'm Alexa, Jack's mother. I apologize but his father won't be here until December," she said as I took her hand. Jack sighed from behind me.

"My dad is rarely home. Anyways, Mom, what's for dinner?"

"Are you and you're sister okay with Chile Verde? It's our tradition to have Mexican food every Monday," she offered. I nodded.

"Anna really likes anything that's edible," I said, giggling.

"Haha, well, I'm glad to have you over. It's a pleasure to have a friend of Jack and Emma's that's not of his or her old groups."

"Mom... Rapunzel, Flynn, Merida, and Hiccup aren't that bad," Jack insisted, walking inside with his hand on my wrist, pulling me in. I rolled my eyes and smiled. He lead me to the kitchen where Anna and Emma were sharing a chocolate bar. I glared at Anna as she smiled at me.

"Well, there's an hour till dinner, so go ahead and disperse. I need my kitchen," Alexa smiled. We all started to leave, Anna leaving with Emma as I followed Jack into a large, wonderful living room.


Hey guys! Hope you like it so far. Elsa sort of forgot about earlier, and Jack was let alone during AB, was too lazy to add that. LOL. So, I hope you guys like this and still looking for those Easter Egg winners! Well, I'll be busy nxt week, and I'll see if my mom's okay with me having my [phone at my other house, but if not, I wont be able to post until the week after. Anyways, until next chapter my Ice Skates! Bai Bai!!!

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