Chapter 18- The Ballad of Dalmatians

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Elsa's POV- 

I went to my classes, Jack following me everywhere, just like yesterday. I decided to just go with it and continue classes, trying to ignore the stares I was getting. Finally, it was Art class. Mr. Rafiki was going to do try outs today so we all got dressed and got 5 minutes to remember a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. I smiled, I'd been remembering this since I was little. I had a dark side... Anyways, I was dressed and ready, meaning I was first try out.

"Alright Elsa, I want you to recite, and sing a song, anything," the teacher said. Blood drained from my face. I never sang much in front of people. I nodded and stood on the stage.

"It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived, Who may know by the name of Annabel Lee..." Finally I was done, and Mr. Rafiki urged me on to sing. I took in a deep breath. 

"Blood still stains when the sheets are washed, sex don't sleep when the lights are off. Kids are still depressed when you dress them up, and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup," I sang up until the end of the chorus and stopped to all the awed faces, including Jack's, staring at me. Everyone slowly started to clap and I almost ran off stage. I hoped to god I wouldn't get a lead role. Jack was next, and so on. I was watching everyone, only about three people stumbled with their words. When everyone was done, Mr. Rafiki stood up and started announcing the roles, starting with backstage helpers. 

"Sally Boogey, Marie O'Malley, Cindy Prince, Allan Carpet, and John Carter, backstage....." he continued on the list, "Now, the lead roles. The Nanna will be played by Toothiana Fairy, Horace and Jasper will be played by Dumble and Deeton Tweedle. Cruella De'Vil will be Esmeralda Gypsy, Pongo and Roger will be played by Jack Frost. And last but not least, Perdita and Anita will be...." Oh, bull. I was the only one that hadn't got called and everyone knew it. Yay, more ridicule. "Elsa Winters!" Everyone seemed happy with their positions, though, the Tweedle twins argued over who was who the whole time the bell rang, signaling us to change and leave to our next classes. I left without Jack, not wanting anything going on with Rapunzel on the way to PE with Mavis. I finally changed again and got ready to go with Mavis, but she texted me before I locked the locker. 

"Hey, Els, sorry I'm not there, Dad's taking me hunting, Sorry!! Bye!" Yippee can my day get any worse?


All I can do for now, I'll try to write a longer chapter in the near future, been busy....... Sorry, my Ice-Skates!! Bai!!

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