Chapter 12- Jack's House

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Elsa's POV-

Going into that gorgeous living room is something I will never forget. It was humongous and I was stunned for life how a boy like Jack could live in such a house like this. He smiled, obviously laughing at the expression that was glued on to my face. I didn't like that he stared at me, but he did what he wanted. I finally closed my mouth.
We are not codfish. As I continued to look around, Jack went to one of the couches and set his backpack down to get his homework. I walked towards him, looking towards him for a second to see him sneaking looks at me as if I were irresistible enough to need to look. I rolled my eyes.

"So, you have homework? Do you need help with anything?" I asked quietly as he sat down to look through a binder. He shook his head, chuckled, and looked up at me.

"I have trouble with writing and riding a skateboard. How do you do it?" He asked. I giggled, covering my mouth to be polite, even if it wouldn't hide my laughter. He stared at me seriously.

"Do you have a board?" He shrugged and nodded his head. I smiled.

"Do you have a backyard where I can teach you if you are so interested?" When he smiled and nodded, he pointed.

"Do you have to be so quiet? Your always so...... Talkative. What happened? You voice box break?" He shook his head and chuckled.

"I just thought you'd feel more comfortable here if I were quiet," he replied. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head.

"You're better when you talk."

"Haha! Alright then, Princess Elsa."

"Oh, gosh, nicknames, already?" I asked, giggling again.

"Maybe, Snowy," he answered, raising both eyebrows in a flirty way. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder a bit.

"Whatever. So, am I going to train you, or what? I think the writing can wait," I questioned. He smiled and nodded vigorously. He stood up and started walking towards the kitchen again. I grabbed my skateboard and followed. He showed me out a giant sliding door, leading to a backyard that not only had a good patch of grass that was covered by flowers, but he had a small basketball court, cement of course, and a fenced area. I pointed towards the fence.

"What's that?"

"Our pool......and hot tub......and lap pool...," he replied quietly.

"What exactly do your parents really do for a living?"

"Mom's a chef artist, owns the Madeline Cafe by the park, and dad is an architect, works for the Santa's Workshop Corporation," he replied, opening a door leading to the three car garage. It had one car, a 2005 Nissan Pathfinder, the same car my dad was going to get me for my next birthday. Next to the car was shelves and shelves of all sorts of supplies. On one of them, we found a regular skateboard, one like the one I started with before some idiot ran it over back before we moved here. He grabbed it, getting an ice blue helmet, similar to mine, but a little manlier. I set my helmet on my head as we walked back out. He shut the door and started walking towards the basketball courts with me in tail. He set his helmet on, and I set my board down and started to ride, him watching in awe on how easily I was doing it.

"Just, set the board down," I said, braking and picking back up my board. He rolled his eyes in a "duh" way and set the board on the concrete. He stood up on it, swaying a bit. I stepped forward and held my hands out to make sure he was balanced. When he was fine, I stepped back and walked him through the steps until he was able to glide a couple of feet on the skateboard without my help. I clapped, and Jack turned towards the sliding door.

"Jack, Elsa! Dinner's ready!"

"Dinner's ready, milady. We should go inside," Jack said, smiling. I nodded and picked up my skateboard and unbuckled the chinstrap to my helmet as we walked to the door, or, at least, I walked. Jack decided to try and ride his board to the door. Then, he did something stupid and fell. Oh, crap! He landed on his back, groaning for a second before started to laugh.

"Oh, gosh! That hurt! Haha!" He said, groaning as he tried to get up. I sighed, face palmed, and went over to help him up. He stood up, making me inches away from him. Something about him being so close, made me tingle. I felt weird. I wanted this to stay like this, but I needed to get away. He stared into my eyes and gave me a signature smirk.

"Thanks, princess, for the lessons."

"Your welcome, good sir, but I should say thank you."

"For what?"

"For listening to me," I replied. He started to lean in, and I knew this was wrong, he already had a girlfriend. Thank God for my sister, because I would have done something completely psycho had she and Jack's sister not kept spying on us. I started to hear giggling and a shout,


Jack jumped and stepped back, as did I, making me blush. I love my sister more now. Thank you Anna!

Hey, my ice-skates!!!! No excuses, but I'm gonna say this. Mind you I have school, and I have a life at home that I don't like at times...... Like for example, I'm going back and forth from my parents because of my dad. He got diagnosed with anxiety, and he can't really stand my mom, so....... Yep. Anyways, I'll try to write soon my lovely snow angels! Bai!!! (•-•)

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