Chapter 10- Lunch

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Jack's POV-

I got changed, seeing some of my old pals were next to me in the locker room. I chuckled, ruffling Flynn Rider's hair and I wrapped my arm around Hiccup Haddock, catching him in a head lock.

"Hi, Jack," Hiccup sighed, trying to get released.

"Sup, man!" Flynn said doing our secret handshake. I nodded to the two.

"I'm quite upset that I haven't heard from either of you at all since classes started," I said, putting my hand over my chest in mock hurt. They both chuckled, shaking their heads.

"Yea, well, I just hooked up with someone. She is good, you know, massive!" He said, putting his hands in front of his chest. I smirked, smacking him in the back of his head.

"All you care about is jugs, huh, you rascal!" I said, "Well, we should get going before we get tardy on good old PE."

We walked out, seeing everyone scattered around. I finally found Elsa hanging out with this girl. Oh, Mavis De'Lioncourt. Geez, the rumors around her. People keep saying she is a vampire. Her father is a count in one of the local government type things. He doesn't get along with the police station where Hiccup and Merida's dads work. Hiccup started waving his hand in front of my face as I didn't answer his question.

"Oh, what?" I replied.

"I asked if you and Punz are still up? Who are you sta.... Oh, this is surprising for a guy that's been taken since the 8th grade!" Hiccup snickered.

"Whoa, what about surprising? Is Jack cheating?" Flynn asked, rather loudly.

"NO! I'm not! She's just the new girl. She looked like she needed a friend here at Animation, so I figured I could help. Even though I can tell Punz made a bad first impression for her. Her name is Elsa Winters, and she is in half of my classes. She's not going to come in between Punz and me, so stop worrying. Let me just help her out for the first week."

"Whatever, but just make sure Punzie doesn't know that your going to be a love dove now for another girl," Hiccup whispered. I punched his scrawny shoulder, making him rub the pain away as we dispersed to our class.

Elsa's POV-

Mavis was really nice. She has PE and Science with me and I thought she was really funny. She invited me to sit with her and her group at lunch. I smirked and accepted, hoping Jack didn't expect me to go with him to his group with him after that visit from Rapunzel.


I went with Mavis as she got her lunch and we went to find a spot to sit outside. It was nice, the sun giving me warm shivers as we found a spot to sit on a few rocks, in the sun. Me and Mavis sat on the high rocks as five people came over. A redhead boy that ran over to Mavis and hugged her, kissing her forehead. Two blonde girls, waving to Mavis as they sat on the grass, one in a sky blue dress with a white maids apron, looking really cute, the other wearing a pastel blue dress and combat boots that looked matching in some odd way. Then two boys that sat on either side of the two girls, one with black hair, blue hoodie and red shirt, which covered most of his brown shorts. The other boy had a green shirt, brown skinny jeans, and green running shoes, topping his dark brown hair with a grass green baseball cap. Mavis started to clap.

"Ok, guys, this is Elsa Winters. New meat, friends with Jack Frost. She's gonna be hanging out with us. Now make sure we let her feel like we are what we are."

"And what would that be?" I asked, giggling.

"The most awesome people you will ever meet," Mavis said, smiling, making everyone laugh. I joined in, and jumped when Someone came up from behind me and scared me. I let out a small scream, nearly falling off of our tall rock. Everyone laughed, Mavis sighed.

"Jason! Don't do that to the Newbie! What did I just say?"

"Oh, sorry, mom!" He said sarcastically. he came into eyesight, holding out a hand. He smiled and showed off a charming grin that would make almost any girl faint. I smiled back and took the hand.

"The name's Jason Aleksander. Hope Mavis didn't cause you much trouble on your first day here."

"I did not, Jason!" Mavis yelled from the other side of me. Everyone else chuckled.

"Ok, whatever. Anyways, if your staying, you should learn the names of our group. Mavis, your being impolite!"

"Whatever. Ok, so Els. This is my boyfriend, Jonathan, everyone calls him Jon. The green bean here is Peter Panning. Combat boots is China Glass. We call her Chee, old nickname, haha! Um, Hoodie and his robot backpack are Hiro Hamada and Baymax. Hiro here has a brilliant brain and can make practically anything robotic. His backpack is supposed to hold things and become a full sized robot at the touch of a button, or when he flips a switch, he becomes a robotic nurse, it's awesome!"

"Just so you know Mavis," Hiro said, turning to me, "Baymax here is also my best friend. It helps when you lose somebody to a fire." I nodded, saying an apology. Someone walked up to the group. I saw red hair and hot pink.

"Oh, Anna! Didn't think you'd find me! But thought you already found a group," I said smiling, climbing of the rock to give her a hug and introduce her.

"Well, sis, I didn't know we had the same lunch time, so I went looking for Alice, I didn't know you already found a group. It's nice to know that you are breaking your shell!" Anna said, laughing. The rest of the group laughed with her. Alice came up and hugged Anna.

"Oh, this is Alice Wonder. She apparently met..."

"uh, oh, this is my sister, Anna."

"Well, hello Anna, and welcome to the group of the most awesome people you will ever meet!" Mavis said, with open arms. Everyone laughed again, and started eating and talking. Jason and Anna sat down next to me. When the bell rang, we all had each other's numbers and started to disperse for our last classes of the day.


Well, hello my Ice Skates! I said I'd try to write soon. And here is an extra long chapter, 1052 or so words. gonna write some more of my other story after my chores, still a teen..... lol anyways, hoped you liked it and I'm still looking for people who find the Easter eggs in the last chapter! Please vote and comment, I love reading them. Thank you for reading this book, and I'll write more soon. Bai!!

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