Chapter 15- Movies and Snacks for the Nerds

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Elsa's POV-

I didn't know what he expected. It felt awkward. I had to change. I didn't want to, but I had to or I had to stay in dirty clothes until 5 the next morning. Yes, I like to wake up early. I find it lovely. I finally changed into Jack's sweater and brown sweats, which, lemme tell you, was big on me, which was really awkward to be in his clothes in the first place, especially when I just met him today! This was already a long enough day! I didn't need this! I sighed as I looked down at myself. I looked like a toddler wearing their father's shirt. I rolled up my clothes neatly and combing my hair with my fingers. It was still down, so I decided to braid my hair into a messy fishtail. 
When I was finished with my braid, I grabbed my shoes, the roll of clothes, and the swim suit the girls had me wear and dropped them in Emma's room, making sure to leave the suit to dry in the tub with the others. I sat on the bed for a second and finally decided to go back to the others with a sigh. I walked down the staircase and the girls stared for a second before I was scared out of my wits. The girls went ballistic! I am never coming back here, I swear! Jack looked to the cause of their screaming and saw me. He looked at me with a look of shock and plain surprised. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. I raised my hands and they went quiet for a second.

"I'll make you a deal, as long as Jack's okay with it, okay?!" I offered, not wanting to hear any more screams from the two girls. Their voices were the equivalent of a gazillion fangirls at a concert. Loud. He looked towards me, wondering what I was about to ask. I held up my point finger to tell the girls to hold on as I walked over to the couch behind Jack and bent down to whisper into his ear. I held my hand to cover my whispers as I offered the only thing I could come up with.

"These girls are not only going to make me deaf, but they're going to be the death of me if I don't do this, but it's the only thing I can think of. Please, hear me out. Let me sit next to you. If we do that and tell them, they might just stop. Consider it, please." He looked over at me and smirked. He motioned for me to listen to him.

"Just follow my lead, okay, just tell them, and if they scream, follow my lead." I looked at him, unsure if I wanted to do this, but decided it was the best idea if we were going to stay. I nodded after a second and looked back to the girls.

"Okay, if you two promise to stop all fangirling, I will sit next to Jack. Deal?" i offered them. I saw Anna slipping something out from her pocket and they both nodded. I was scared, but they agreed, so it was worth a shot. I went over to Jack to help him with whatever he was doing. Oh, the couch was a bed-couch. Cool. I helped him pull out the bed and helped him with the other couch so the girls could sit/lay too. Once we were all ready, Jack grabbed the remote while I helped the girls bring two tubs of ice cream and a plate of brownies. Once those were on the table and me and Anna were looking through their movie collection, Emma came into the living room with what I saw was two Hershey's bottles of chocolate syrup. YUMMY! She handed me one and sat down with a napkin of brownies for her and Anna and one of the vanilla ice cream tubs. The other plate was grabbed by Jack, so I grabbed the ice cream and we all had spoons as Jack looked at one list of movies. I took a brownie from the plate and sat next to Jack, close, but not too close for comfort. 

"Okay, so, the choices are Divergent, Batman, The Spongebob Movie, or Dragon Heart."

"OOH! Divergent!" Emma yelled.

"Spongebob!" Anna yelled. Sometimes, I don't know my sister, to be honest. Jack  looked towards me. I shrugged.

"Dragon Heart?" I asked. He looked upset.

"Batman it is!" he said with a sudden smirk. The girls started yelling in disagreement. We both waited for the two 5 year old girls to shut up.When they went quiet, Jack's smirk went wider. 

"How about we play spin the bottle to choose?" The girls immediately agreed as Emma set down her bottle of syrup. She spun it and it landed between.............


DON'T HATE ME!! Cliffhanger. Sorry, I had to, but I bet a lot of you can guess. JK! Who knows! The world may never know...... Until the next chapter, lol. Thanks for reading, this chapter is dedicated to joyfuljellybean for reading every chapter and commenting at least once practically every chapter. She is a great supporter- at least I assume your a girl, lol sorry!- and I love that I know there are people reading my story. Anyways, I'm gonna update my werewolf story, sorry for the short chapter. Been kinda busy. Anyways, vote, comment, and share if you like it, it means a lot, and thanks! BAI!!!

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