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One leg over the other, arms folded and her eyebrows knitted together in a gentle frown, she leans against the wall next to the window and takes in the view of tall buildings and moving vehicles in the city. Her mind racing along with the moving vehicles on the road and the birds flying over the buildings.

It's been a week since she saw that woman at the lab and just two days ago, she sent a bouquet of flowers for her and to this day, she hadn't responded to say thank you or acknowledge them.

Her heart beats violently in her chest. Could it be that for the first that Yoliswa Mkhize, aka YV was getting a taste of her own medicine? Was she getting rejected by this woman?

A knock snaps her out of her daze and Deli, her PA comes in.

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am, but they are ready to start recording," she tells her.

"Thank you Deli, I'm coming just now." She says.

Asiphile has just come from the gym and she sits down, turning on the TV. She opens her recordings and plays her favorite talk show.

She's sipping on her beer when the credits start rolling.

Host: Yoliswa Mkhize.

Y.M. Y.M. the bouquet she received were written from Y.M. could it be??

And last week the woman had stumbled into her lab. But why would she send her flowers? Her mind races in different directions as the more she thinks about it, the more she actually starts to believe that the flowers may have actually been from thee YV...

"Wow..." She breathes out, running her hands down her face before folding them infront of her face.

"What would this mean??" Asiphile asks herself.

"Hi mama" Yoliswa kisses her mother, Winile's cheek.

"You look tired" her mom leans into her and hugs her.

"Yeah, it's been a long day," she throws her bag and car keys on the dining table before flopping on the couch.

"Has it been now...?" Her mother asks knowing that there is more to this.

"Yes mother, a long day, a long week. A long two days of sending that woman a bouquet of flowers and receiving no response or acknowledgement from her. And I know that she received them because I asked Deli to call her office and indeed, the receptionist confirmed that she received them..." She sighs exasperatedly.

"Give her time it's too soon. Maybe she doesn't even know that they are from you... Maybe she doesn't know what to make of them... Maybe she doesn't swing that way..." Her mother shrugs.

"There's no way she doesn't swing that way. I felt a connection to her. And I feel it now mother... I can't get her out of my mind... It can't all be for nothing..."

"Well we don't always get what we want..."

"Not without a try mother... Not without a try."

The following day she calls the lab woman's office number, after searching for it and finding it. Her heart races listening to the the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Her voice sounds over the phone.

YV wills her heartbeat to calm down.

"Hello, am I speaking to Miss Dlamini at Peak Diamonds Mining?" YV asks

"Yes, this is she." Asiphile responds.

"This is Yoliswa Mkhize. I would like a meeting with you..." YV holds her breath.

Asiphile's heart races...

Thee Yoliswa Mkhize? The TV talk show host??

"Hello, are you still there?" YV asks.

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