YV this, YV that

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YV rubs her temples and sighs before standing up.

"Cut! cut! cut! Listen everyone, I'm confused. There's too much happening all at once here. It makes one lose focus. I don't know what to focus on." She starts before the director cuts her off,

"But the more there is going on, there more fun it is, the more interesting and capturing it is to the viewers." He explains.

"Alright Mr Phiri. Next time don't cut me off while I'm speaking. Secondly, this thing you are trying to make is overstimulating... It makes one spiral on a sensory overload,  Alright? It's too much going on at once.  It's more like a club party  video invitation and less focused on the product we are trying to sell. Sometimes less is more. Now we are going to tone this down and start all over again, alright?"

"Good," she says when the man gives her a curt nod.

"Now you, get in from the left..." She starts rearranging the extras.

By the end of the entire shoot she's exhausted. If it weren't for the fact that this ad is for a brand she's been working with for so many years, she would have outright walked off during the set.

She picks up her bag and items, walking into her car. She stops for some food at the chinese place. She's hardly made her order when multiples of people come swarming towards her.

"Shit..." She curses. Before she can run away, she's already surrounded by so many people. She feels her head starting to spin.


"Omg you are so pretty!!"

"Can I have a picture with you..."

"Can I have an autograph..."

"YV can I give you my baby!!"

"YV can I be your girlfriend!!"

"YV you are my idol!!"

She smiles inspite of her tiredness.

"You guys cannot be serious. You are acting like I'm a celebrity or something. Can I have some space to breathe??" She frowns at them.

They laugh and move away for a bit.

"Good, now, I'm very hungry. I would like to get some food and then we can discuss whatever it is you want from me alright?"

"We are so sorry ma'am, we tried to stop them..." The security apologizes.

"Well we are here now. It's no use. Just let them be."

"It is kind of weird that there's over a dozen pair of eyes watching me eat... And there's more of you now here... Did you guys call other people and tell them I was here?" She looks at them.

"No ma'am,"

"We didn't..."

"Here's a drink Miss YV," A blushing teenage boy hands her an orange juice. 

"My mother warned me never to accept drinks from strangers..." She raises an eyebrow at him.

"It's sealed Miss YV, and I'm not a stranger, I'm your fan..." He grins.

"Oh in that case, I will accept it..."

After tons of pictures, autographs and chit chat. She buys them all lunch.

"Stupid faggot!" Someone from the back of the restaurant yells.

"Boooo!!" The crowd calls after him

YV stands up. "No wonder you go around yelling homophobic slurs, you have got nothing to lose seeing as you have already lost all your hair. Balding goblin. Suck my strapon..." She takes out her tongue making a licking motion with it and making a scissoring motion with her hands, making the man furiously stand up and storm out of the restaurant.

Love, Nozwi. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ