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With Yoliswa's high heels, they are currently at the same height. YV steps closer to her.

"Well like I said, if you want to talk to me, you make an appointment." She breathes. Her voice void of any friendliness.

She walks off leaving Asiphile standing by herself. So much for waiting for over four hours for her. Asiphile watches her as she walks out, head held high.

"That's great news P!" Vee celebrates over the phone.

Asiphile wonders if her sister has cognitive impairment.

"Did you listen to anything I just told you? I said she left me standing after I had waited for over four hours just to get to talk to her. We are dropping this. I don't want to make myself anymore of a ridicule."

"You can't just give up when you are finally there. This woman basically said that she wants to see you again by telling you that if you want to talk to her you set an appointment. If she didn't want to talk to you, then she would have outright told you to never come to see her again."

"Nah. I'm not doing it. I foresee disappointment on my end."

Vee facepalms her face.

"Listen Vee. You need to start living your life. I'm sorry to say this, but you are 28 years and have zero friends. Have never been in love. You isolate yourself. You refuse to let anyone in. All you do is work. Go to your house. Gym eat sleep. That's no life. You need to live. And I'm telling you this woman seems like she really likes you. Give yourself a chance. I'm telling you, go and set that appointment. Talk to her... Not everyone is out to hurt you..."

"P???" Vee asks after some silence between them.

"I'm sorry if that was too harsh. I just want the best for you. For you to be happy..."


"Okay as in?" Her sister holds her breath with excitement.

"I will set the appointment and talk to her."

"Yaaas!! Yaaas!!" Her sister squeals.

"Now my dear sister, will you tell me who she is? Anything what she looks like..."

"No, bye." Asiphile ends the call.

The following day she makes an appointment and YV's secretary tells her she can only see her two weeks from now, because she's very packed. Asiphile says she will take it. She will wait for her.

And as the days goes by she finds herself looking forward to seeing YV. She doesn't know when it became more than just having a "meeting" with her, but somehow, however things turn out, she knows it's more than just a "meeting" now.

On the morning of their meeting YV paces up and down, theatrically throwing hands in the air as she vents to her mother.

"I had accepted that this is my first L in the love department and there she comes actually making the appointment and actually waiting for me. She's playing hot and cold with me. I hate it. I hate people who play mind games." She puts her hands on her hips.

"And yet you are not looking extra good today just because you are meeting her?"

"Pshh... Or course not mother. I always look good. I look good for myself not for society or anybody else's approval," she glares at her mother.

"Of course... Of course... Maybe sit down and eat your breakfast. Stop pacing up and down it's making me dizzy..." Winile sighs.

YV plops down on the breakfast table chair.

"That's another thing mother. She makes me act out of character... It's so irritating..."

"Ah... Matters of the heart. Anyway just be careful with her. The sudden interest may be because she didn't know who you were before and maybe now she does and she's trying to worm her way in to get your money... Make use of your connections..."

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