Comes with the territory

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In general, Asiphile is a calm person who rarely gets angry or fired up. But reading the entertainment section of the newspaper now, she feels an emotion she quite can't describe.

Wronged? Dissapointment? Angry? She doesn't know it, but it's not quite a good feeling.

She stares the at the dazzling picture of YV in a red dress, her beautiful white teeth making her smile the star of the show.

"YV's outfit for the first day of the Women's Diaries in Zimbabwe" reads the title of the article.

Yoliswa had not told her that she would be leaving for Zimbabwe. She didn't and it left Asiphile feeling somehow. And it wasn't like a day trip... She would be gone for an entire two weeks. Yoliswa had called her with a video call last week Monday and that was when she told her that she was in Zimbabwe. Asiphile was surprised that she would just up and leave like that, without telling her. As her girlfriend, should she not inform her when going away on a trip in another country for weeks? Was she unreasonable to feel this way?

She stares at her picture. So beautiful, fearless and an undoubted aura of confidence in how she simply was. Perhaps she should just swallow her emotions and ignore feeling somehow, she tells herself. She guessed it all comes with the territory of dating someone like YV.

She's home relaxing after a day at work and her phone rings, it's Asivile.

"Hi Vee" she answers.

"Hey sis!" Her cheerful voice sounds over the line.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good, the kids giving me wrinkles as always... How are you?"

Asiphile chuckles before answering, "I'm alright sis. I'm good."

"That's good. Good. Eating well I hope?"

"Yes I am..."

"Good. Good. And how is it going with..." Vee trails off biting her tongue in order not to jump right into it. Because knowing P, she would just withhold all information on hearing how eager and excited she is to hear it all.

"With what?" Asiphile asks.

"You know what... The mysterious woman..." Vee says in a duh tone.

"Oh... Oh..." Asiphile blushes...



"Stop saying "oh... Oh... Oh..." Like you are suddenly getting amnesia... Just come out with it..."  

Asiphile finds herself holding back laughter at her sister's eagerness.

"I don't know what you want to know..." Asiphile says coyly pushing her sister's buttons.

"If you don't come out with it right away, I promise I will stop cooking your favourite each time you come to visit me..." Vee threatens.

"Geez... No need to resort to such drastic measures..." Asiphile tells her.

"Well go on then..."

"Well... Well... She's my girlfriend now... We are dating..." Asiphile says with an air of pride and happiness she's not even aware of.

She immediately draws the phone away from her ear, hearing her sister's high pitch scream.

"Whaaaat!!! You aren't joking right?!!?! Whaaaat!!!!"

She rolls her eyes, smiling at her sister's response.

Winile watches her daughter with a proud look as she walks towards her, dragging her suitcases, large sunglasses to avoid people seeing her. She watched the Women's Diaries on TV, she and other "problematic" feminists were hosting in Zimbabwe and seeing her daughter speak like that, so articulate, confident and insightful, she couldn't help but cry as a proud mother. She doesn't know what she did to get a phenomenal women like Yoliswa as her daughter, but is she grateful...

Love, Nozwi. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon