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With the following days, they explore more of Kenya, travelling to the capital city Nairobi, Amboseli National park, game reserves, the fourteen falls, going on boat tours, shopping, tasting Kenya's local dishes. They are truly in their softest era.

And there are days where they simply spend sleeping in late only to wake up in the afternoon and enjoy lunch before going to the beach and enjoying a good book under a shade, while Asi sleeps on her.

And they haven't made love ever since their first time. And it's been over a week now. The soreness went away after about four days.

"Sorry Mrs and Mrs Dlamini..." The receptionist, Rachel laughs at them watching their clothes dripping with water. She absolutely adored the couple.

"Thank you Rachel..." They laugh too and they huddle together rushing for the elevator. They had been out for dinner, but when they came back it started raining hard, and the two minutes of coming out of the cab into the hotel was enough to get them dripping.

"We are gonna get sick..." Yoli pouts.

"We won't baby... We are going to have a warm shower, dress warmly and then make some hot cocoa... We have some right?"

"Yes..." She hugs them.

"I love you my wet person..."

Asi chuckles and kisses their tipsy wife's forehead, responds with a, "I love you too my wet person..."

Once they enter their room, they immediately take their clothes off, hanging them to dry and they jump into the shower. They dress up in warm clothes, turning up the heater and Yoli makes them some hot cocoa.

"There you go..."

"Thank you love."

"You are welcome baby," she sits next to them and they pull a blanket over them turning on the TV and putting on a movie.

"And now it's incredibly hot..." Yoli complains about a quarter into the movie.

"Well, I didn't want us to get sick..."

"At this point we might as well get sick cause of overheating..."

She takes off her sweater remaining in just her tank top.

"Much better..."

Asi take off theirs as well and is left in their sports bra.

"I'm just thinking, what if we get home and the news of our marriage is all over the news..." Asi wonders stroking her hair.

"How would they know? No one who was at the wedding will tell. They all know better."


She laughs. "Why would you think that she would inform the media?"

"Because she knows we are married..."

"She knows better. She actually knows who I am and she's very discreet... She wouldn't tell babe... And you know this hotel has a very strict privacy policy"

"Oh is that why we have been receiving such special treatment, because she knows you or because of her crush on you?"

She laughs. "Normally, they offer excellent service around here... And I would say she has a crush on you..." she points at her wife.

"Stop..." Asi smiles.

"But you do know that I don't mind everyone knowing that you are mine and I am yours right? I just choose to be private because I don't want you to have to deal with your life invaded, people taking pictures of you each time you are out, bloggers... All of that... It's exhausting enough for  me..." She looks at them.

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