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I swung down to the cemetery and landed in front of the gate to the cemetery. I took a deep breath before I walked in through the gate and traveled along the paths in search of their stones. The snow piled perfectly around and over the stone graves. I walked along the path, feeling more and more nervous as I neared the big tree where they were. I sat in front of their row. Specifically in front of their stones.

Jay Bullock
1998 - 2016

In memory of the Stacy family
Harry George Helen Tani
Brother Father Mother Sister

I put my hands on their Graves with a flower down on each of their stones. I sat at the foot of their Graves.

"Hey. It's been a while... I miss you. I'm not oh - not okay without you. I just... I keep playing the memories in my head or - or having dreams of you that just feel... so real.. I can feel myself slipping. I wish you were here."

I played with a flower in my hands as I stayed cross-legged.

"I wish it could be different. I wish I never had to lose you both, like it was in the dream. I wish you didn't have to go. I wish I could be in our apartment, watching you two wrestle because of some stupid reason, and Harry always winning." I chuckled weakly.

"Or being in the car on our way to some mission, drifting or doing donuts that almost killed Jay... I really... really miss you." I took a deep breath in to attempt to relax myself.

I looked at the stones and smiled slightly. Frost biting my lips and the snow wrapping around me in a blanket.

"I love you guys." I laid my head on their stones.

I closed my eyes and stayed there for a few minutes. Feeling their arms wrap around me in a hug and their own heads against mine. I opened my eyes, knowing it was only my imagination.

"I wish it was me." I stood up with a heavy breath.

As I stood, I focused on Tani's name.

I kissed my hand, and it put it over her name. "I'll find you. I promise."

I removed my cold hand from the frozen stone and took a few steps back to get a full view of their stones.

"From dark to light... then back to dark." I put my hand up to my forehead.

I hesitated to let the salute go. I closed my eyes at the tears glossing over my eyes. Jay was staring back at me in the darkness behind my eyelids. I opened my eyes in a flash, scared. I paused for a minute and then took a step backward. I wiped my nose along with my eyes as I sniffled.

"Rudy? Is it... really you?" A highly familiar female voice gasped.

I winced at the voice and grid my teeth. Nobody was supposed to find me or see me. I froze, silently hoping I was magically invisible.

"Honey? It's Janet."

My heart started to beat along with my hands starting to shake again. I dropped my hand that was still at my forehead down to my side as I bit my lip.

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