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I stopped at a store the next morning to get a few donuts and sat at one of the booths in my suit.

"No, he didn't mention anything else other than that." I bit into a sprinkled donut.

I chewed as I listened to Pepper ramble over the phone.

"That's not much information... but I'm sure if you get info on that Matthew guy, he could tell you something."

"Maybe.. so far, he seems to be more secretive..." I referred to the diagnosis F.R.I.D.A.Y. had formerly gotten me.

"What do you mean?"

"He's a lawyer."


"Yeah... I'm gonna go check him out."

"Be careful. I love you."

"Love you too."

She hung up just after I finished the donut.

"Tony, I've gotten his location. He's only a few miles away."

"Good job, Friday."

I got up from the booth and gave the cashier a nod goodbye. He nodded back as I opened the door. It jingled back to a close after I stepped out and planted myself for flight. I shot up to the sky, watching the information crawl in front of my face.

"Anything else on Gwen?"

"Nothing, sir."

I exhaled in defeat but continued to press on. I wouldn't stop trying to find her, no matter how badly she didn't want to be found. I was persistent in finding my girl.

I swerved around a few buildings and followed the small map that F.R.I.D.A.Y had provided me with.

"Right above him, sir."

I listened to F.R.I.D.A.Y and quickly came to a stop in the air. I looked down as I descended to the nearby ground to land peaceful in the surrounding people. I looked around at the people walking past me in a hurry, some realizing it was me and freaking out. Some could care less. I scanned the area for Matthew. He seemed to be inside of a huge building. A court building. I walked in powerfully and looked around at the bunches of people.

I walked up to one of the people who looked like they worked there. "Is Matthew Murdock around?"

He looked at me with confusion and concern. "He's busy, defending in court, but he should be on recess soon."

Just as he said that, one of the court rooms opened with people piling out of it.

"Perfect timing, he should be coming out soon." The man gave me a supportive smile and walked off to help another person.

I looked away from the man walking away and looked at the now opened courtroom doors. Two officers guided citizens out of the room. I narrowed my eyes, searching for Matthew. My eyes focused on a male with a walking stick and red glasses. I walked toward the man while he guided his way out of the room. He stopped a bit before I made it up to him and looked up as if he knew I was there.

RUDY STARK - SPIDERVENOMWhere stories live. Discover now