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He stayed standing about 5 meters away. Just watching my in disbelief.

"Dad... I - I just..." I stuttered over my words.

I wasn't sure how to tell him I was sorry and that all I wanted was to keep him safe, to protect him.

I shyly looked at the ground, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I'm sorry... for what I said. I was wrong... I needed you, and I still do. I probably always will, and I was just trying to protect you when I pushed you away - I - I never meant to hurt you. I just didn't want to lose any more people that I loved, I don't know if I could deal with losing you -"

With my rambling, I hadn't noticed that he opened the door and was now holding me close to his chest with his arms wrapped warmly around me. His heart was beating faster than I'd ever felt. One hand over my back and the other brushing ever so lightly through my hair.

"I know, kid, I know."

The rumble of his voice in his chest comforted me. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms as far around him as I could. Feeling his comfort after all these months was the best feeling in the entire world. It was better than sleeping, better than eating, even better than swinging through the city.
I felt safe.

"I'm so sorry, dad." I tightened my grip on his shirt as a response to having tears forming in my eyes.

"It's okay.."

"I tried to be better... I thought killing him would make me feel better... but it didn't."

I buried my face into his shirt, trying to force the tears back in. The tears I had for him, not me. For Ryan. He could've had another chance if it weren't for me.

"You killed Ryan?"

I only nodded in response. He didn't say anything. Instead, he just embraced me. Comforted me. Poison stayed sitting with her body pressed against mine. Nuzzled between my legs. I reached one arm down to pet her. She leaned in to the head pats and licked my hand continuously. Dad kept a hand on my arm after I pulled from the hug.

"Is mom here?" I looked over his shoulder, searching what I could see of the inside of the compound.

"Nah, she's at work."

"Hey! Tony Stark!" We heard muffled yells.

We both looked toward the car I had gotten there in. Jordan was waving through the window and smiling widely.

"Uh... who's that?"

"I may have borrowed his car, and may have told him I was your daughter and that he could meet you if he let me take his car."

"What?!" He widened his eyes at me.

"He's stoned! People will just think he's crazy." I shrugged.

He opened his mouth to say something but paused. He frowned with a shrug.

"Tony Stark!" Jordan continued yelling.

Dad waved at him with a fake smile. "I'll send Happy to take him home." He whispered to me through his smile.

I chuckled as he walked me into the compound.

RUDY STARK - SPIDERVENOMWhere stories live. Discover now