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It had been a week since my surgery and it was starting to feel closer to normal. All the rest gave me time to create the new suit I'd been designing. I put the last few touches on the black suit before I held it up proudly.

"Done. You like it?" I held it up to the cat.

She meowed once after lifting her head to me from cleaning herself.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled as much as I could at the moment, which wasn't much.

I got up from my chair to put the suit on. I carefully stretched it around my newly bandaged wound. I fit it to my size just perfectly and grabbed the mask from my table. I squeezed the mask over my face until it was comfortable. I flicked my dim lamp on in my dark room to be able to see myself in the mirror. I smiled at how well the suit had turned out. I loved it. The flamed eyes, the pure black material, the fact that my infected arm matched it perfectly. I traced the flaming white spider plastered to my chest as I got lost in thought once more.

This time, I thought about when dad showed me my suit. How different it was from this one. I shook out of my trance and looked in the mirror at my covered face. The suit really did resemble my darkened soul.

"I'll see you when I get back, cat. Don't destroy the house." I dragged my hand over the cats head.

I opened the door to my room and walked through the house, swerving around the boxes that I had yet to unpack. I got up to a window and climbed out the back of the house. I jumped off and webbed a few buildings on the way to the big city. Snowflakes slammed against me as I swung through the air and dark sky's.

I climbed up the tower I always went to and stopped at the tippy top, sitting in my spider pose. I looked down at the brightly lit city as I took a deep breath in of the cold, brisk air.

It was almost peaceful.

I remembered the days when Jay and I would go out on a snow day as kids, making snowmen and snow angels. My heart yearned to be a child again. It was so painless then, just pure happiness. I exhaled through my mouth and lowered my head at the thought of being with Jay again.

"We have a 10-23 in progress, need back up at coordinates -" The ear piece spoke into my head.

"That's a break-in." I jumped off of the tower.

I plummeted down to the ground. The feeling of flying always exhilarated me. I tucked my arms in to spin before I spread my arms out like a star, facing the sky, and closed my eyes. It was freeing. Felt like everything was being ripped away from the force of the wind against me.

My spider senses tingled, telling me the ground was approaching. I clicked my web shooters and shot a few webs out. I felt a tug on my body just before my feet hit the ground that swung me up. I released the web with a back flip before shooting another. I continued swinging, following the cop cars I had found only seconds ago. I reached one of the cars and landed on the top of one. I crawled back a bit and crouched so that if the cops checked, they'd have less of a chance to see me.


I shot a web at the pole and took hold with both hands. I swung around and crashed through the window, knocking one cop into the other. The driver flew out the other end, making the car swerve.

RUDY STARK - SPIDERVENOMWhere stories live. Discover now