getting to know the 5

187 9 6


I really need to change that alarm music .

I throw my legs out side of the bed and sit up straight and take a deep breath in ,knowing I was going to have to face school today !

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom and do my business and wash my hands , I look in the mirror and look at all my pours ,arg! I wash my face and add my fountain on my face and powder along with it , I then add my heavy layer of mascara on and shape my eyebrows and fill them in . everyone says I'm a 'pretty girl' but I'm honestly not without the makeup , I look like a fucking horse! (^^ girl playing Emma at the top ^^)

"Are you up " my mom shouts up to me

" yer ,I'm getting ready " I replied to her

After my makeup was done I looked in my wardrobe and remembered I didn't unpack yesterday , so I walk over to my suitcase and pull out my grey crop top , with my ripped skinny jeans , and my white converse that I always wear (^^ at the top ^^) .

When I got dressed I grabbed my phone and my bag and went downstairs , I grabbed an apple and sat on the kitchen table .

" have you got everything " my mom says

" yess " I say

" make sure you make new friends and be nice " she said giving me a glare

" gosh , are you done " I say laughing slightly

" yes now go ,or you will be late " she says

"Bye " I say giving her a hug and leaving

I walked down the road , listening to 5sos , on my way to school , because they are just life!

I felt someone push past me and make me lose my step , I pulled my earphones out and looked at this guy who had green eyes and looked like a dorito .

"Can you watch where your going " I say rudely

" watch your mouth " he says arguing back

" shut the fuck up " I say glaring at him

" or what " he smirks

" phh " I say pushing past him this time , as I walked off I felt his eyes burn my arse , fucking pedo !

As the bell rung I made my way to my first lesson which was maths , great now I have to find it ... D3 ... D4 ... D5 , there it is !

I walked in the class and everyone's eyes turned to 'the new girl' I ignored them and sat on the nearest seat to me !

"Okay everyone settle down please " a lady said walking through the door , I'm guessing shes the teacher.

"Okay we have a new student here today " she said looking at me , what a way to embarrase me I thought.

We were inturupted by a guy walking into the class , he was kinda tall, he had a lip piercing and was hot !

"Your in my seat " he says looking at me with no emotion

"Well its my seat now " I say

" just get out my seat " he says glaring at me

" nope " I say grinning at him earning one back

"Fine " he says pushing me off the seat

" dickhead " I say standing up as he laughed

" Luke stand outside now!" Miss shouted at him pointing to the door

He stood up and walked out at I chuckled to my self

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