chapter 42

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Emma's POV

My legs arnt as sore today seeing as I let then rest yesterday but they still hurt when I walk .

" Luke " I say

" yer " he replys putting his top on as i was staring at his perfectly shaped abbs

" urm ... Can Chloe come round " I ask

" sure " he says shrugging his shoulders

" thankyou " I smile.

I get out of bed and I put on my leggings and my Hollister hoodie , and wear some of Luke's socks .

He holds my hand and we walk down stairs .

" Luke slow down " I say

" why " he groans

" my legs " I say

" oh right " he laughs

The boys were all on the sofa watching family guy , me and Luke joined them .

I was laying on Luke's lap with his arms wrapped just under my boobs and my feet were on jais lap .

*ding dong *

I jump out of my seat and run to the door , well tried to run I ended up looking like a penguin doing a retarded dance

" Chloe " I say opening the door hugging her .

" God it's been ages since I saw you " she laughs

" I know right ,come in " I say letting her in .

She sits on the sofa between jai and James and I sit in my original spot on Luke's lap and my feet on jais.


I went back to mine to see how Jacob and my mom were doing because I haven't really spent any time with them that much tbh .

" heyy " I say hugging my mom

" hey sweety " she says

" gina , just text me and she said would you like to go and swim in their pool " my mom said reading out the text

" sure " I say

I grab my bikini but then I remember I have big bruises on my thighs, shit!

Luke's POV

I wait for Emma to come back to ours before we all go in the pool .

Chloe and jai have been flirting quite alot if I have to say.

From Emma
Luke ... Urm I don't want to swim xxxxx

To Emma
Why ? Xxxxxxxxxxxx

From Emma
My brusies :\ xxxxxxxx

To Emma
So , no ones gonna take the Mick its only a bruse babe xxxxxx

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