chapter 34

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Emma's POV

I woke up with Luke next to me , I had such bad leg cramps from yesterday fuck! But its worth it , I can officially say I'm not a virgin I lost my v card to Luke which I'm happy about !

" morning " Luke says as he rolled over on his back

" morning " I smile

" did you have a good birthady " he smirks

" amazing " I exaggerated

" well my night was fantastic " he says hugging his pillow

" really " I laugh

" really " he says lifting his eyebrows

We stayed in bed for about 10 more minutes and then we decided to get changed .

I got changed into my crop top and my leggings and then my timberlands that James got me yesterday for my birthday , I put on my ring and necklace and finnaly the bracelet that Luke gave me , I have to say he spoilt me alot !

Luke got changed into his trakies and his tight white short sleeves top that showed off his abbs alot and his Air Max that were all white .

He held my hand downstairs and the boys were eating breakfast and their heads all joilted to us when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

" did you have a good night " beau smirks

" yes thankyou " i smile

" was it hot " James winks at me

" urm okay ? " i say confused

" what about you Luke " jai says grinning

" it was fine " he says

" we heard you to last night " skip says as the boys laughed

" what do y... " I stopped because I now knew what they were on about

" dickhead " Luke glares at them

My checks turned a burgundy red , shit this is awkward !

" fuck , shit " beau moans as the boys laugh

" shut the fuck up you CUNTS ! " Luke shouts at them and they stop laughing ,the room just fell quiet

" your so wet " skip moans which start the boys off again

I let go of Luke's hand and quickly ran outside , I didnt want to get embarssed ,I mean not in front of my friends ! I mean so what if we had sex its a way off showing love isnt it ?!?

Once I was outside , I breathed in the air and sat down on the front porch on the grass and looked at the flowers.

" Emma " Luke says running over to me

" yes " I smile

" just ignore them ,they are just jelouse " he says sitting down by me

" of what " I laugh

" that you had sex with me and not them " he says

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