chapter 35

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Luke's POV

I sprinted to Emma as fast as I could trying not to fall over , I fell to the floor and she has blood dripping from her head . I hold her head and place it on my lap .

" BEAU ,JAI , SKIP ,JAMES " I shout

Jai runs out and sprints to us

" what Happened " he says

" she fell " I say as my eyes never left Emma's face

The boys come running out after jai and they call the ambulance .

I stay with emma while the boys are running around inside trying to get her blankets and stuff .

I hold her in my arms trying to keep her warm , seeing s she was hardly wearing anything .

" Emma " I say quietly

" wake up shorty " I say as my eyes got watery

" please move away , we will deal with this now " a man said who ran over to us

" I'm not moving " I say as my grip got tighter around Emma

" move away now" he said louder

He gets Emma out of my arms and takes her to the van

" get off her " I shout

I run after her but James grabs me and holds me back

" GET THE FUCK OFF ME JAMES " I shout as i tried to get out of his grip.

" she is going to be fine okay " skip says holding me back aswell


3 hours and 12 minutes went by since I saw or spoke to Emma .

I have been in my room sitting on my bed . flicking through all the photos of me and Emma trying to stay positive.

" Luke its for you " beau says handing me the phone

I jump out of bed and grabbed the phone off him

" hello " I say

"Hello this is the ambulance , we would like you to come down the the hospital , Emma isnt awake yet she has had a hit to the head that caused her to black out , we will explain more when you are here Mr brooks " the lady says

" okay " I hung up and grabbed my jacket

I sped down to the hospital as fast as I could , going over the limit .


I wait outside the room that Emma was in .

" Mr brooks " I raise my hand and they call me over

" okay , Emma is in a deep sleep and wont wake up untill 7 ish " she says looking at her watch " she had a massive blow to the head and had serious bleeding that we have stopped for now , when you go in be quiet and comfort her " she smiles

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