chapter 38

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Emma's POV

I woke up with Aston right next to me , if was a nice change to have someone apart from Luke by me , but I did like being in Luke's arms alot .

" morning " Aston says rubbing his eyes

" morning " I shiver from the coldness

Aston wrapped me in the blanket more so I was warm

" thankyou " I smile

" its okay " he smiles back

" what are you doing today" he asks me

" I'm gonna go see some mates and then nothing " I laugh

" well do you wanna hang with us again " he says

" yer " I yaurn

" go back to sleep " he says

" night " I say

" night "

Aston's POV

I have to say Emma is stunning , I don't really know much about her but from what I know she is amazing .

I get out of bed and decide to cook everyone breakfast seeing as I and nothing to do .

I cooked some sausages , bacon and some eggs for everyone.

" WAKE UP IDIOTS " I shout waking everyone up

They all come out of their tents and I give everyone their food .

When everyone ate their food we all got changed and we headed to the park again .

" push me " Emma says sitting on the swing

I jog over to her and push her on the swing as high as I could , she couldn't stop laughing which made me laugh

Emma's POV

" I'm gonna have to go now guys " I say to them all

" okay but come hang later " Chris says

" I will " I laugh

" come out at 6 " troy says

" will do " I smile

" see ya " I say hugging them all

" bye bitch " Chloe says laughing as I walked away

" bye slut " I laugh and wave

I walk to the brooks house because they all wanted to see me .

" hey " jai says opening the door

He let me in and I hugged everyone exept for Luke .

I sat on the sofa an we all talked and laughed like the old times

"So how was camping " skip says

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