loving mommy?

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The car rise there was a little awkward. We didn't really speak. I think it was because we were so nervous. Eventually elena broke the silence. "How are you feeling?" She turned slightly towards me, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Nervous. But I think we both are." I giggled ,slightly. "Yeah. Do you have any questions for her?" She shifted. "I... I'm not sure. I've been through this so many times since you invited me. But I'm unsure that it won't all be too much. Or too little. " I sigh. Over the last day and a bit, I had ran through every scenario in my head. Last night I didn't get much sleep.

" yeah. I know how you feel. I've never really believed what everyone said about her being 'humanity-less." Elena bit her lip. "What's that?" I ask farrowing my brow. "A vampire can shut off there humanity, feeling nothing. Not even if they used to love the person. All the feelings go away,and they feel nothing at all. Most of the time, turning into a monster. " elena quietly said. She turned to read my expression but it was only confusion that was there.

"And our mothers supposed to be like that?" I shook my head. No, she can't be... can she? " yeah. But I can't bring myself to believe it. I just can't. " elena shook her head. "Maybe she won't be. We don't know for sure, right? We just have to be hopeful. " I tried to convince her and myself.

"Yeah..."elena trailed off. "We're here."she changed the subject. She turned off the engine but then stayed still. I tried to too. I couldn't bring myself to move. Or talk. Or do anything.

It was like all the nerves and anxiety made there way into my brain, paralysing me.

I took a deep breath. It's going to be okay. I exhaled. It's okay. I inhaled.

"Stefan and Damon are inside. So is bonnie and Caroline. "Elena noted, she sounded out of breath too. "Klause,beks and kol said they'd turn up too. In case she tried... anything." I breathed,stuttering after tried.

"Come on. We can do this." Elena took my hand. She searched deeply into my eyes. "Right?" She asked me. I looked into her eyes, I looked for he same hope and optimism I had had a moment ago. "Right." I replied.

We got out of the car and headed to the door. Elena opened it for me then paused inside. "Elena?" I asked looking around the room. "There." Elena printed in the right corner. I followed her gaze,to see a pretty woman. She had long Dark hair, pale skin and blue eyes. She was typing away on her phone, with a bored expression. She didn't acknowledge us entering, or anyone for that matter. She looked completely out of it. And kinda annoyed.

I took a deep breath trying to assemble any trace of confidence left in my head. I was usually confident. And out going. I usually didn't care what people thought. I tried to pretend I didn't anyways. I had watched my aunt be punched like a boxing sack. I had watched her be manipulated and used. I wasn't going to let that happen to me.

"Come on." I said,trying to do it again. I tried to pretend that nothing fazed me. Like I was the confident out going person I pretended to be. I began walking, elena by my side. She took a deep breath then grabbed my hand again. I let her. I needed it too.

We walked to the table and on the way I saw: matt, bonnie, Tyler, Caroline, Stefan, Damon, beks, kol and even Klaus. Not together obviously. Beks and kol were playing pool. Caroline and bonnie were in a booth chatting. Matt was serving, with Tyler sitting at the bar, talking to him. Damon was smirking with some - barbie wanna be. Klaus was in his own booth,smirking at me searching for him. I smirked back.

And that's all it took- his brown curly hair, his deep blue eyes, And his smirk. That's all it took for me to build that little but of confidence to strife to the table and sit down. Pulling elena with me. She sat next to me,pulling at her sleeve. Isobel didn't even look at us. She just kept typing. It made me more anxious.

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