Late Night Walk

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We reached Stone's apartment when I noticed Eddie was already there the moment we walked in. Chris explained that Eddie was actually living with Stone which would make sense. People began to show up and the drinks started to pour which meant I was already feeling the affects. Chris found it adorable when my cheeks started to become warm and flushed from the harsh liquor.

I stood by Stone's record player and was going through his vinyl collection, anything that kept my mind and eyes off Eddie. I was pretty impressed with what he had. "See anything you think you might want to listen to?" Stone startled me, giggling when he saw me jump. "Sorry." Offering an apologetic smile. I grabbed one vinyl that caught my eye before standing back up. "No worries. I just spook easily I guess." Holding the record up. "Found one." Stone stopped what was already playing and allowed me to place replace it with what I found before placing the needle down.

I began to sway my hips the moment Squeeze Box by The Who filled the room. Stone watched and smiled at my semi drunken state. "Never took you as a Who fan." I could see his eyes admire as they slowly raked over my small frame. "This woman has amazing taste in music. Why else did I have her come out?" Chris shouted from the couch where his head was bopping along to the beat. A female friend sat next to him in an attempt to flirt with the Seattle born. I looked towards the kitchen when I caught Eddie smiling over at me. Sadly he wasn't alone though. Eddie had a woman under his arm and she looked like she belonged there.

Of course he has a girlfriend. I mean why wouldn't he? I noticed at the club that a lot of the women there tonight were all drooling over the man. So of course someone was lucky enough to have caught the singers attention. "That is Tiff, they have dated for awhile but it had always been on and off with those two. We can never seem to keep up." Stone explained, he must've seen Eddie and I staring at each other. The thought of being caught had caused my flushed cheeks become even more flushed. What was I doing? I need to think of Jamie. While yes our relationship was boring, he had been kind to me.

"They look good together." I tried to deflect my emotions by accepting the reality of the situation. Stone shrugged. "Tiff is crazy. We all don't really care too much for her." My eyes went wide from his confession and giggled a little. "Wow Stone. That's not nice." Stone rolled his eyes, "Just wait. If you stick around, you will see it for yourself." For some odd reason the thought of me seeing Tiff around more made me feel sick. I didn't know her personally but I know I didn't want to either, which was not like me at all. Was I jealous?

I quickly made the choice to ignore my confused feelings and sit next to Chris, his female friend not being pleased with the fact he rather go into a deep conversation with me than spend time with her. We were talking about a song that he was working on for his superband that he was playing with called Temple of The Dog. Chris explained that I will be able to sit in and check them out while I am visiting. The song he was working on was called Hunger Strike and he still didn't feel it was finished. "It's missing something to it. I know you use to sing for that old band of yours...what were you guys called? I love boogers or something?" I couldn't help but laugh at my friend. "You mean I Eat Scabs?" Like that name was any better but hey, we were a bunch of rebellious kids at the time and felt that the name sounded edgy.

Chris smirked. "Yeah. Anyways, you mind lending your vocals for me?" He asked as he gave me his best puppy dog eyes. That turd had gorgeous big eyes and he knew it too. Throwing my head back and sighing, I couldn't deny him. "I guess..." Chris pulled me into a hug when Stone walked from the back room, holding a bag out. "Anyone want to smoke?" He offered. Chris threw up his hands in excitement. "When did you start smoking?" I asked my friend. Chris was never a smoker when we were growing up, so when did this become a thing? Guess things have changed over the years. Not just the city itself but my friend as well.

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