Watching You, Watching Me

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A week has passed since seeing Mookie Baylock play. During that week I have kept some distance with Eddie. I needed some space since that night to rethink in what it was that I needed. Since then Stevie and I had started our new job. We have met Liam who happens to work at the record store, being assistant to store manager and all but we clicked right away. Like myself, Liam loved music and working here was everything to him. Liam was tall and slim, with blonde wavy hair down to his shoulders. Stevie at first thought Liam was a perfect distraction from Eddie but I don't think I could entertain another man at this time.

Stevie was putting back some albums while Liam and I stood near the register. Liam was only two years older than Stevie and I, so we had a lot in common when it came to our private lives. "So now the weekend was approaching, what do you two have going on?" He asked while working on orders. I aimlessly shrugged but remembered what I had going on later today. "Lennon here has a video to shoot down over at Discovery Park. That's pretty much it." Stevie spoke up as she came back to where we were. Liam perked up, "A video to shoot? For what?" He turned his attention to Stevie. I rolled my eyes and got busy going over returns. "Lennon here is doing a music video for the band Temple of The Dog." My best friend smiled. I couldn't help but feel blessed to have the full support of my best friend, no matter what she was always my number one fan.

Liam then turned his attention to me, watching me closely. "You in a band Lennon?" Was I technically in a band? I stopped and looked over at Liam, the guy was absolutely gorgeous and any woman would be lucky to have him. I may not be available but I wasn't blind. "Kind of, I only collab on two songs though. My buddy is the singer and felt he needed my vocals here and there. Today I am to shoot a music video for one of the songs." I shrugged it off and got back into working. Liam smirked. "That's pretty bad ass Lennon. Hot in fact." He stood straight and perched his hand on his hip.

"Hey why don't you come with us!" Stevie suggested. I looked over at her and shook my head. "Actually I would love to. Sounds fun." He agreed. "It's actually all day. We will be out there till dark." I tried to explain, I didn't want Liam to feel he needed to come. Liam shrugged, "I don't mind." I looked towards Liam and saw he was genuinely excited. Maybe bringing him won't be such a bad thing, it may actually help me not feel too nervous. This will be the first time that I will be standing around with Eddie since me adding distance. I need the distraction and maybe Liam was perfect. "Alright then you can ride with us, just meet me at our place." Smiling over at my "boss".

After our shift, we helped Liam closed up and I gave him directions towards my apartment before we left. Because Stevie and I were saving our money, we were left borrowing Chris' car every so often. Such a sweetheart he was. I made my way towards the elevator when I saw Jerry walk off. "Hey ladies! How was work?" He asked. Stevie and I stood around and spoke with Jerry for a bit. Apparently there was a party going on over at Stone and Eddie's later and stated he would see us over there. "Hey, have fun with it Lennon." Jerry's stated and gave me a quick hug before heading out.

I walked into the apartment that soon was becoming home to me. Seeing my childhood friend in the kitchen in shorts, bare chest and a towel wrapped around his head. "What are you doing?" I asked as I shut the door behind Stevie. Chris turned around. "What the hell does it look like smart ass? I am making some food before we head over. God knows when we are going to eat again." I looked over and noticed three plates filled with baked potato, salad and some steamed veggies. Chris had always looked out for me and the fact he was including Stevie in that made me love him even more. Chris was the parent that I lacked in my life.

I quickly went into my room and changed. Because we were to be closer towards the water all night, I knew it was going to grow cold. I changed into a pair of jeans that had a few holes in the pant legs and then pulled a mustard yellow tank top over my head. Because of how tight the tank top was, I opt out on wearing a bra. I looked around for something to pair but couldn't find anything that looked good, so I snuck into Chris' room and saw he had a dark green plaid button up and the material was thick enough to keep me warm. I made my way into the kitchen and sat at the small table. I grabbed my utensils and started digging in. We chose to eat in silence when a knock sounded.

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