Little Bit Of Clearwater

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After last night, I wanted to just lay in bed and hide for the rest of the day. I didn't want to even show my face to anyone I knew. Chris left earlier to go run a few errands and Stevie tagged along. Sensing there was something wrong, I finally told her what had happened and just like I predicted, Stevie was mortified. I just shrugged and told her that she technically did nothing wrong. It was me, I was doing something wrong. I had openly flirted with an older man, knowing that I was seeing someone.

I finally got out of bed and pulled some shorts on with an over sized worn out Rolling Stones shirt. Skipping in brushing my hair and teeth for now, I needed coffee. Making my way into the kitchen I was starting to notice how messy this small apartment was becoming now that three people were living in it. I pour a cup of coffee from the pot that Chris made earlier and started noting in my head in where I should start cleaning. While staying here, the least I could do was clean up his place. God knows when the last time that man ever touched a broom...wait....did he even own a broom?

Only took me 15 minutes to find the broom when a knock at the front door was heard. Who could be here? I opened and saw Jerry's big smile staring right at me. Looking too excited in my opinion. "I heard that a certain someone decked a man for putting hands on you last night." I looked confused at him. How the hell did that get around that fast? I didn't even bother to deny nor confirm what he had heard, god knows what else was told to him. I moved to the side and allowed Jerry in. Looking around till his eyes landed on the broom in my hand. "This whole look you have got going on, looks amazing for you. Cleaning?" He asked.

"Wow you are pretty smart. No, I just enjoy carrying this thing around in case of intruders." I teased. Jerry realized how dumb that questioned sounded and laughed at himself. "Want help?" He offered. Probably could see that I had my work cut out for me and felt bad. "You are willing to help me clean?" I won't lie, Jerry did not take me as a bachelor who cleaned often. At times I wondered how his own apartment might have looked inside. Jerry smirked at my shock expression. "Yeah just point me in a direction and let me know where you need me." He slapped his hands together before rubbing them to get himself pumped. I think I just secretly fell in love with Jerry.

I gave Jerry certain tasks before sending him off. I knew that cleaning was easier with music and so lucky Chris had a great music collection to choose through. Scanning his collection of vinyls and cassettes, I stumbled upon something that I didn't know is it made me happy or mad. "That son of a bitch stole my Creedence Clearwater Revival's Cosmo's Factory cassette! I have been looking for this and he had it the whole time!" I held the cassette up and rubbed my face from frustration. Now I wonder if he has anything else of mine. I bent down towards his audio tower and popped the cassette in before hitting play. This particular album was a favorite of mine but so was their Pendulum album.

I cleaned through the album, hearing songs like Travelin' Band, Up Around The Bend and Run Through The Jungle already play. Who'll Stop The Rain was now playing while I cleaned the sliding glass window that lead out to the small balcony. It was only early in the afternoon and the sun was hiding behind some clouds, but the space needle was still easy to see. Ironically it did kind of look like it was about to rain. I stood up and began to sing along to the song, all while staring at the hustle and bustle of city life down below.

I heard someone clear their throat and remembered Jerry was still in the apartment with me. I sighed but turned and was met with three pairs of eyes staring right at me. Causing me to drop what was in my hands and scream till my brain was able to process that I was not in danger. "Jesus Chris! You need a fucking bell I swear!" I whispered yelled and started punching the air out of frustration. Chris couldn't help but giggle at me. Glad I could be entertaining. Stevie made it back but I was not at all expecting Eddie to be standing in the doorway after last night.

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