Just Lennon

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It was just like I had thought, they were a hit. Every city we found ourselves in, the fans grew in numbers. It was a different experience than the crowds from Seattle that's for sure. October came and went and we were now in November, you would think that life on the road would have grown on me by now but I still struggled a bit. Sharing a very small bathroom that had no shower and sleeping in tight quarters with five other people, not including Eddie and myself. Things got smelly after awhile. There were days where showering was not an option if time was not on our side. Stevie and I learned baby wipes did a lot for us in that department though which helped in keeping me satisfied.

Today's concert was held at the Roseland Ballroom in New York. This was my first time ever being in New York and luckily we have had several days here to visit. Today was our last day though and then tonight we were headed over to Rhode Island for a show at Rocky Point Park in Warwick. Staying in one place helped in recharging my batteries. Long nights on the road after a full out concert was exhausting and Eddie found himself sleeping where he could, poor guy. I have noticed that Eddie grew a bit weary from the constant demand that followed with his new profound popularity. If the guys were not performing, they were doing interviews and meet and greets.

Was Eddie truly prepared for what was lying ahead for them? Because I didn't see Pearl Jam slowing down any time soon.

"I knew one day I would be seeing their name lit up in the marquee." I smiled big as I read Pearl Jam above the entrance to the Roseland Ballroom. Stevie stood next to me and was smiling as well. "You called it. This whole trip has been unreal. I have film rolls full of amazing things that I cannot wait to develop when we get back to Seattle." Her eyes lit up while holding her camera close. During this whole tour Stevie has had that camera attached to her, along with another thing. More like a certain someone actually. Jeff and Stevie have grown close while out on the road and I think it's safe to say that they are seeing one another.

Stevie headed inside while I followed close. Eddie's voice filled the air the moment we stepped in, clearly this meant they were in the middle of sound check. Roseland Ballroom was a beautiful venue and can accommodate up to 3,200 standing with additional 300 upstairs. It was amazing and Kelly explained that tonight's show was sold out. This didn't surprise me one bit, they were amazing live. Hearing Eddie sing night after night never grew old for me.

"Ladies.." Kelly greeted us once we approached the side of the stage. Since the issue we had at the beginning of the tour with security, Kelly made it his priority that Stevie and I were never treated like that again and so far no problems. "Hey! How are they sounding?" Stevie asked, standing to watch the guys finish up. Kelly had his arms crossed but a shit eating grin on his face. "Great as ever. Tonight should be a smooth performance. Let's hope." He teased before shooting a wink at the both of us. Eddie lately had been taking dangerous measures upon himself during their performances. If there was something to climb, he would climb it and that not only stressed Kelly out but as well as the rest of the band. At some point I struggled to watch their shows because Eddie was in his own world when he did stuff like this. Most nights I just waited back on the small bus.

My eyes wondered towards the man himself, our relationship has grown slowly since Eddie was always busy. Due to the constant demand of him, we were not given much time as a "couple" to spend together. Most days we wouldn't see each other until around late afternoon for sound check simply because the guys were constantly working. Stevie could relate because of Jeff. To help past the time we would go wonder the streets of the city we were visiting, trying to soak up the culture as much as we could. I also found myself calling Chris or my Aunt to share details of my days, I was really missing them both.

Eddie and I had yet to still say the L word to each other. Guess we were truly taking this slow in getting to know one another even though we knew each other very well intimately by now, that part had yet to slow down. A blush crept up to my cheeks at the thought of this mornings sexual activities. Just wish we had more time together. "You are drooling John Lennon." Anthony laughed. I rolled my eyes before turning towards the Chili Pepper singer. "At least it is something worth drooling." I shot back before lightly pushing at his shoulder. Anthony barked out a laugh which caught Eddie's attention, "Yeah I am sure it is worthy."

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