amelia shepherd - your not sorry

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tysm for the request sordezos I needed the inspo <333

You stare at the paper in front of you in silence. You got a job offer from Seattle Grace Hospital which is a once in a lifetime offer and you've wanted to work there since you were little.

"Y/nnnnn I have some festival tickets with our names allll over them fyi there's tons of booze I mean tons" she says as she walks into your office
"Y/nnn? Helloooo?" she starts waving her hands in front of your face
"Yes amelia?" you clear your throat
"What's the matter?" she asks you
"I got a job offer" you say turning around to look at her
"Wait what? That's great why do you seem upset?" she questions
"Amelia it's for seattle grace" you say watching her face register what you had said
"Oh." she says "your not taking it right?"
"Amelia I have to" you say looking down "The contracts crazy good, the salary's the biggest i've ever had and come on it's been my dream for my entire life to work there"
"I see" she says and you can't read her "just leave me then"
You've had a crush on amelia for the longest time. Pretty much since you moved to L.A and became friends with her. She's the prettiest girl you've ever seen but you can't tell her and risk the friendship. You've always had a flirty type of personality but you flirt with her jokingly and don't know how she'd take it if she realized everytime you've ever flirted with her in the past wasn't a joke. You knew her older brother Derek worked there. You'd met him once and he seemed nice. You were about to see a whole lot more of him which would make it even harder. The wrong shepherd you thought.
"Amelia i'm sorry"
"Your not sorry"
"Please amelia-"
"There's nothing left to beg for y/n" she says about to shut the door on her way out
"Wait Amelia I like you"
she stops and turns around
"I don't believe you" she regards you "And you don't have to call anymore because i won't pick up the phone"
With that she's gone. You lied to her. Not in a bad way though. You didn't like her. You loved her but you weren't just gonna blurt that out so abruptly.

Time skip af cus i'm lazy

It's your 2nd year at seattle grace and things are going crazily well for you.
"Izzie what's going on in the lobby?" you ask hearing the commotion from the downstairs area.
"Uhhhh I think some kind of Shepherd reunion" she says
"As in Addison shepherd? what the hell did I miss" you laugh remembering the crush you had on her. I mean it was soooo valid. Anybody in that hospital who had a pair of eyes knew how gorgeous Addison Shepherd was.
"I bet you wish it was her I know you had a crushhhh" izzie says and you playfully push her away "but no it's derek's youngest sister or something?"
You stop in your tracks. No no it can't be. Could it be? Amelia.
"Ummm ill meet you after you scrub in stevens" you call at her while running the the stairs
"Uhhh okay.. then?" izzie turns to george and Meredith "does anybody know what the hell that was about"
"I mean you mentioned satan so?" meredith says
"true" george said "Remember how her whole personality like.. faded when she left"
"I mean yeah" izzie responds "but it's not Addison"
"Ah" meredith registers "Amelia. She's always had a thing for all shepherds besides derek".
"Who's amelia?" izzie and meredith laugh at george's oblivion "what am I missing?"

You finally get downstairs and you see a crowd around the waiting room area. It's just a giant mob of people in a circle surrounding somebody. And then you see her. Amelia. She looks in your direction and then she sees you. She pushes past everybody and you can read her lips she's apologizing and saying excuse me. She was always one with manners.
"Oh my god" she says when she finally gets to you "it really is you I didn't know for sure"
"How are you amelia" you ask
"I'm doing really well" she reply's "and you seem to be doing the same?"
"yes- yes i'm doing great" you fidget with your hands awkwardly "I have to um scrub in on something but i'm sure i'll see you around"
you walk off as fast as you can trying to get away from the awkward situation but you feel a hand around your wrist and then you get pulled backto where you were.
"y/n please wait" she says "I know i messed up like totally messed up but I want us to be okay"
"Oh so there's an us now?" you tease
"Damn did you learn that from addison" she smiles
"She taught me everything I know" you beam "Shame she had to leave though"
"Yep derek isn't the best decision maker is he?"
"Your right about that" you say giggling
"I liked you too y/n" she blurts out of nowhere
You nod at her "I knew it" you smile "Right person wrong time"
"Right person wrong time" she relates knowing your right "So we're okay?"
"We're okay" you smile at her and give her a hug

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