addison motgomery - i can see you

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A/n: the second i heard this vault track last night i just KNEW i had to do an addie imagine to it i LOVED it also this pic of kate bro

Addisons pov:
She brushes past me in the hallway and she doesn't think I know what she's doing. I've been watching her for ages and i've just been trying to make myself think that i don't feel anything for y/n but i do. I really really do. Everytime I see her i wonder what she would do if I kissed her. We wouldn't make a sound.. nobody would find out.

Y/n pov:
I can see addison waiting down the hallway for me after I gave her the eyes. She motions for me to come follow her and we go into an empty O.R and she pushes me up against the wall. What would she do if she knew I could see her real intentions. She leans in and is about to kiss me when Meredith walks in. We quickly get away from each other.
"Am I ... interrupting something?" meredith asks "Cause I can um leave"
"NO" me and addison say loudly at the same time. We look at eachother and addison clears her throat.
"I'll um get those reports for you asap Addis- Dr. Montgomery" you stutter nervously
"Yes right thank you y/l" she says
We kept everything professional. But somethings changed it's not just the eyes anymore. I really really like her and I can tell she feels the same about me. I imagine different ways to ask her out in my head but all of them are bad and I want it to be perfect for her. Especially after derek and mark. If she only knew maybe she would be less distant. I see her down the hall and try to get her to come over but she's avoiding me.
"DR. MONTGOMERY I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE KISS" I yell as loud as I can so that she has to talk to me to get me to stop. She gives me such a dirty look but she finally comes over to me and I raise my eyebrows at her.
"Y/n I don't have time for this right now okay? it happened can we at least talk about it later?"
she says
"Addison I can picture you throwing your jacket on the floor over a puddle for me" you giggle and grab her hand
"Make your point y/l" she says
"Be my girlfriend"
Her jaw drops and so does everyone else's. but she doesn't pull her hand away so you know it's only because shes shocked about how forward you are.
"Y/n not right here. Not right now." she says
"That's not a no" you smile
"Meet me at the end of my shift tonight" she tries to hold in her smile but can't
"Okay then" you say giving her one more longing look and you slowly pull your hand from hers and walk away smiling
"Dude what the HELL was that" Izzie says running up next to you "How did I not know you were into the gyno-monster?"
"Satan... really how did I not know this?" meredith scoffs
"None of us did" Cristina says suddenly right next to meredith
"I don't know what you see in her" george says trailing behind you all
"She's mchot" alex chuckles coming from a patients room
"So montgomery huh?" izzie says
"Montgomery" you nod "we have a date tonight"
"Everybody knows by now y/n" Karev says
"Whatever" you roll your eyes at him

Timeskip cuz I feel like it

"You ready to go?" somebody says wrapping their arms around you from behind. It's addison you can tell from her voice
"Always" you say "Let's get out of here"
You just go to your shared house with Meredith, Izzie, and George. Which is a little weird but your both on call so it's the easiest way.Eventually you want to move in with her once you get more serious like cristina and preston. You pour 2 glasses of wine and go upstairs to your room where you find Izzie, meredith, and george laying on your bed looking at you both standing in the doorway.
"Movie night!!!!!" george says excited. Izzie holds up two bowls of popcorn.
"Satan pick something to watch" meredith throws the remote at your unofficial girlfriend.
"Really?" addison rolls her eyes at your roomate
"Um guys?" you say "Addisons here" you give them a warning look
" We know we just thought that she could join us" meredith says "we could watch a movie about satan or something?"
"Come on you guys this is our first date" you say exasperated. Addison giggles at you.
"Whattttt" you look at her mad
"Your just cute when you get flustered" she smiles "And it's okay y/n/n a movie night sounds fun"
"Oh. Okay then" you say a little dissapointed
"Y/n look at me" addison says and then just catches you in a kiss. Your arms snake down her waist and she cups your cheeks with her hands. You finally pull apart and izzie starts cracking up. Then george, then meredith, then addison, then you.
"The answers yes by the way" addison says randomly
"The answer to?" you say confused
"Ill be your girlfriend" she smiles at you and you give her a big hug

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