Addison Montgomery - well this is awkward

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A/n: this takes place in the ep where derek breaks it off with addison finally but mark is in the bathroom. Instead of it being mark in the bathroom it'll be the reader :)

Your lying in bed next to mchottie or as your friends would call her the gyno-monster. You got close with Addison over the past few months of her being at Seattle grace and always thought she was gorgeous. Hell you understand she cheated but how could Derek leave her? She's ADDISON I mean look at her. You were pretty sure whatever had just happened was a rebound for her because of her finding out Derek hooked up with Meredith at the prom. It was more then just a fling for you, you knew that the odds of her feeling the same were hella low but you still went for it, why not give it a shot you thought? It was amazing - mind blowing even. so worth it.
"Addison" you whisper in her ear and she flips over to face you. You wanted to say something like I'll treat you right, or i've been in love with you since we became friends but you can't.
"I'm going to go take a shower" you say
"Okay" she strokes your cheek and gives you a kiss. You couldn't tell if it was an I really really like you kiss or a we just hooked up kiss but whatever it was you liked it. You liked it a lot.
"Hey before you get in can you pour me some more wine please" she says in a raspy tired voice that you thought was SO hot
"Yeah of course" you walk over to the console in her hotel room and pick up the glass of wine you had half finished and refill her glass. Then you walk it over to her and smile which she returns. You grab your towel off the floor and the various scattered clothes that you wore to what you thought was "consoling" her and you shut the bathroom door behind yourself and get in. During the shower all you think about is what this could potentially mean for the two of you. Oh and how she initiated it, it keeps making you think maybe she really does like you. Even Meredith admitted that you two had off the charts chemistry and Meredith really doesn't like Addison all that much for obvious reasons. As you turn the faucet to the shower off you hear talking coming from the bedroom and it's not addison, it's a males voice. It sounds like Derek's? You throw on your bra and underwear and walk out to see Derek telling Addison that their marriage is over. And then you see Addisons face when she realizes that you came out of the shower and Derek could see you. He also saw her face and turned around to see you.
"Welp." you nervously laugh "this is awkward"
Derek takes the wine glass out of Addisons hand and chugs it down then leaves the room.
"Y/n why did you leave the bathroom" she says with her head in her hands
"Because i was done with my shower?" you ask confused and sit next to her on the bed
"I think you need to leave now" she sniffles
"Oh." you pause "So all i was, was a rebound, a fling that you couldn't care less about. Got it. Leaving now" you say on the verge of tears about to open the door to leave with just your undergarments on but then she shuts the door behind you, pins you against it and kisses you. This wasn't like a we just hooked up kiss this was like a i've been waiting my whole life to do this kiss. You pull away for air and she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Listen to me. You are not just a fling. I really really like you, love you even" she speaks really quickly and you can't help but giggle "What's so funny?" she says with amusement on her face
"You. Your hot when you ramble" you say "so.. that's it for you and derek huh"
"Yeah" she sighs "I guess so. But now i can have you"

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