Niki - Anxiety

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niki was once again sitting with on the cold bathroom floor with his head in his knees, shaking and crying. it was 2am and all the members were sleeping. niki had anxiety, and he never told any of his members about it. he didnt want to be a burden to anyone with his panic attacks nd worrying. niki has had severe anxiety for a while now, he had panic attacks before. he had to sit alone all the time worrying and crying over reasons he couldnt explain.

the reason for nikis panic attack was his argument with all the members that afternoon. jay mentioned nikis messy room and niki told him to stop talking about it and he kept going and all the members joined in and niki hated it, he yelled at them all and he started an argument that he didnt want to start. niki was worried that all the members hated him for it and how stupid he was for the decision he made.

what niki didnt know was that the members had all planned a movie night when niki had stormed off after the argument. so all the members were currently awake in the living room. niki was crying heavily and was shaking like crazy. his breathing was out of control and he was scared. jake turned to around as he heard a noise coming from the bathroom.

jake: i hear someone in the bathroom, must be niki

jay: oh well he probably just needed to go to the bathroom

jake was still turned around and then he heard the same noise again, a crying noise.

jake: no no but...

sunoo: what?? its just niki going to the bathroom

jake: i heard a crying noise

jake looked back at the members who were all staring at him. jake slowly got up and put his finger to his mouth to tell the members to be quiet. jake slowly started walking towards the door and leaned in to see if he could hear anything. he heard crying again, heavy crying. he came back to the living room in a panic.

jake: hes crying, but not normally, its heavy crying.

they all stood up and walked to the door and sure enough they all heard the crying. jungwon started to slide the door open and found niki sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall crying and gasping for air. niki looked up and was shocked as he had thought they were all asleep. jungwon rushed over.


niki started crying even more, not knowing what to do, he knew he had to tell them.

niki: jungwon h-hyung?

niki tried his hardest to get the words out but it became hard to breath normally. he looked at jungwon with pleading eyes and jungwon's heart shattered.

jake: niki? are you okay?

niki nodded and pretended everything was okay. everyone was still standing outside of the door listening in.

jungwon: guys ill stay with him, leave, lets give him some space ill tell you everything later.

the members quickly nodded a rushed out, trying there best to make their precious maknae feel better. jungwon looked back at niki who wasnt any better.

jungwon: niki love, what happened please tell me.

jungwon said this will caressing nikis hair and shoulder. niki didnt answer and just hugged jungwon tight. jungwon of course hugged back and they sat there for a while until nikis crying calmed down. jungwon pulled away after a few minutes.

jungwon: niki ah, please tell me what happened now.

niki explained to jungwon about his severe anxiety and his panic attacks.

niki: i get panic attacks often, i just hide it...

jungwons heart had completely shattered by this time. he started tearing

jungwon: bub, why didnt you tell us?

niki: i didnt want to be burden to everyone. people always act different around me when i tell them.

jungwon: oh baby, we love you so so much, i promise you wont be a burden and all we will do is be more careful around you. next time you have a panic attack you better tell us. we will sit and help you.

niki felt loved and hugged jungwon again.

jungwon: you wanna join movie night?

niki: nah its okay ill just go to bed im tired, its 3am.

jungwon nodded and left to go to the living room. jungwon explained to the members nikis situation and the members felt really bad for what they did earlier and treated niki better from then on.


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